Didn't Know

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Note: This is angsty but not like too angsty. So like read if you want. Discretion advised.

Roman and I started dating a few weeks ago. He's been paying a lot of attention to me and it feels weird. It feels awkward. He touches me, kisses me and is just generally is nice to me several times a day. I yelled at him and now I feel bad. I was just really uncomfortable and got mad and it lead to me yelling. It isn't his fault I have problems.

We were sitting on the couch. Ever since a few days ago Roman hasn't been like he used to be. He seems hesitant to do anything with me. Even hold my hand.

We were watching TV. I saw Roman's hand reach for mine but stop and pull back. "Roman." "Huh?" "Don't huh me. Look I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable about touching me. I just was tired of you doing it everyday, multiple times. I just ugh wanted to not deal with that so much. It's kinda odd when no one likes you for years, then suddenly you start dating the most beloved person ever and they pay more attention to you in one day than you ever got ever." Roman just stared. "I'm sorry Virgil I didn't kno-" "No you didn't. No one does." Then I walked out of the room.

   "I'm such an idiot. To think that he would actually understand. To think anyone would understand. No one does and no one ever will." I said to myself.
"Virgil?" Roman said. "Go away I don't want to talk." I said. "Well I do." Roman sat next to me on my bed. I had my legs up to my head and my face hidden in them. I was crying a little. He patted my shoulders. I cried even more. "Umm it's o-ok V-Virgil." Roman said trying to comfort me. I turned around and hugged him, crying.

   Roman hugged me back and we just sat there, not speaking. I just cried into his shoulder. Then I calmed down after about 10 minutes. I let go and sat back down. "What did you want to talk about?" "Oh uhh you said no one knew. Knew what exactly?" I scoffed. "Stop acting like you don't know." "I don't!" "Yes you do! You know everyone hated me! They hated me and no one cared! You didn't and they didn't! You don't understand!" I stomped out of the room. "Virgil..."

Patton POV
   I just left Logan's room after helping him with an experiment. I saw Virgil come out of his room, crying and mad. "Hey Virgil! Are you ok?" Virgil ignored me. I ran up to him. "Virgil seriously are you ok? Do you need to talk?" "I'm fine Patton." Virgil said leaving. "Ok..."

Roman POV
   I'm so stupid. I walked out of his room. He was gone. I wrote a note and put it on Virgil's bed. He'll read it when he gets back.

A Couple Hours Later

Virgil POV
   I came back after a few hours of silence. I saw a note left on my bed.
Dear Virgil,
You're right I don't know what it's like. I want to though. I want to understand. I don't want you to feel alone. I love you and wish I knew what was happening but I don't. If you want to talk I'll listen.
I smiled and fell onto my bed. Dating is hard. You have to think about other people. That's hard.

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