Stop Staring Part 2

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Roman POV
Virgil, Patton, Logan and I were watching a movie in the commons of Thomas' mind. Soon it was over and all of a sudden I heard Virgil sigh. I looked in his direction and saw him looking at me and smiling.
I noticed he didn't realize I was staring at him and I asked "Do you need something Virgil?" Then laughed.
After I spoke Patton and Logan looked over to Virgil too. Virgil finally snapped out of his trance and realized we were all staring. He mumbled something then ran to his room. "What was that about?" Logan asked. "I...don't really know." Then walked quickly down the hall to Virgil's room. I opened his door slowly as I looked inside. I saw Virgil laying on his bed on his back.
Then I walked in and Virgil said "What do you want?" "Umm I just wanted to umm well.." "Get to the point Princey." "Ok ok. Do you umm perhaps, by any chance like me? Like more than just a friend." I blushed but, I knew he couldn't see me. There was a good minute of silence before Virgil whispered something. "What was that?" "I SAID YES ALRIGHT! I love you." I was shocked that he said yes. "I kept it a secret for so long! I don't know if you feel the same or not but I just want you to know, I love you more than anything." I smiled. Of course I loved him. How could you not? I walked closer to Virgil, leaned down and kissed him.
At first I felt him panic but, then he started kissing me back. I brought my hand up to his cheek and felt his face heat up. We started outright making out after that. When we pulled away I said "Does that show you how much I love you?" "Definitely" Virgil smiled and responded then pulled me into another kiss. We made out for about an hour giggling and smiling.

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