Horror Movie Panic

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3rd Person POV

   Roman bursted into Virgil's room. "Virgil you wanna watch movies with us?!" "Uhh...what kind?" "Horror movies! What you scared?" "N-no! I'll watch any one of them and not be scared!" "Great! Let's go!" Roman gestured to follow him.

   Roman, Patton, Logan and Virgil sat in the common room. Roman was picking out movies, determined to make Virgil scared. "Ooo! This is a good one!" Roman said holding up a movie. "I would have to agree." Logan said. "I've never seen it." Patton announced. "Virgil? You ok with watching it?" "Pfft. Yeah." "Then it's settled. We're watching it."

Virgil POV

   Roman popped the DVD in and it started. The first scene was someone being murdered. "You ok Virg?" Roman asked jokingly, sitting next to me. "Don't worry about me Princey." I smiled.

   We were an hour into it. It was pretty calm. Then, a women jumped at the screen, screeching. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Patton yelled. I jumped and started breathing heavily. I couldn't calm down and it was getting worse. "Hey Virg? Are you ok?" I shook my head side to side vigorously. "Oh umm...guys we'll be right back." Roman picked me up bridal style.

   Roman took me to my room. "Shhhh...it's ok Virgil you're ok. Nothing will hurt you while I'm here." I was now shaking and rocking back and forth. "Virgil breathe. It's ok. It was just a movie." "B-b-bu-ut." "Shh just breathe. In 4, hold 7, out 8."

   I did it a couple times before my breathing got better. "Good. Keep doing it. You're ok. I promise." About 10 minutes later I was fully calm. "There you go. Are you ok now?" He asked. "Yeah. Thanks." "It's no problem. I'm glad I can help." He smiled.

Roman POV

   "Do you want to stay here or watch the rest? Totally up to you." I asked. "I wanna stay here." "Ok well, bye!" I was about to leave. "Wait!" Virgil yelled. "Yeah Virg?" "Could you stay with me?" I smiled. "Of course. I'll go tell the other two quick."

   I walked to the commons and found Patton clinging to Logan. "Patton it was a tiny spider. The lady contortionist was scarier." "Has that lady ever killed someone Logan?" "Well in real life no but-" "Exactly!" "Fine." 

   I laughed. "Hey guys! Virgil and I are gonna go to bed early." "Ok Roman." Logan said. "Goodnight civilian!" I said to Patton.  "Goodnight Roman!" Patton yelled. I laughed again.

   I arrived back at his room. "I'm back." He glanced at me and looked at his phone. "What you looking at?" I asked. "Tumblr." "Oh." "So...umm..."

   Virgil quickly kissed my cheek. "What was that for?" "Helping me several times." "Oh umm you're welcome."

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