The Key

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Virgil POV
   We all just got back from helping Thomas. I noticed that recently Roman has been really nice to me. I mean really nice. Like, goes out of his way to be nice, nice. I just shrugged it off. Maybe he's just really happy recently. Like I care about him. I don't. At all. Not one bit. Don't think I do, I don't.

   I went to my room and found a key on my bedside table. "Why is this here?" I said. "I don't have a key like this." It was golden with a heart shaped top. I put it in my drawer and forgot about it.

   The next day I saw a note on the table. It read. "Did you get my key?" It really didn't help that all of us had the same handwriting with a few slight differences. Whatever. I put the note in the drawer with the key. Whatever is happening I'm not sure how to feel about it.

   About 2-3 days later I received another note. "Ughhh...I thought this stopped." I unfolded the note. "The key you have is very special. It's the key to my heart. Love you Virg. ~Roman" "Of course this is something Roman would do." I said under my breath.

   I got paper and wrote something. I walked to Roman's room. Why am I doing this? I asked myself as I got closer. I squeezed the piece of paper in my hand. What do I even plan to do? What do you even do in this situation? Then I was at his door. I knocked. It opened. "Oh! Virgil hi! Are you in ne-" I cut him off by kissing him. We parted. I threw the note at him and walked away.

Roman POV
   I grabbed the note and read it.
"Well well well. Couldn't even confess face to face huh? Had to be cliché? Well good because that's what's so amazing about you. You are cliché but that's very romantic to do this. I love you too Roman. PS I've suspected it for a while. -Virgil" I sighed. "He likes me back." I smiled and blushed.

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