Boring, Strange, Useless

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   There I was in my room crying. "And to think, I actually thought he loved me. A piece of trash like me."

   Virgil sat on his bed weeping. He had been like this for several minutes. All that was heard was heavy breathing, weeps and whispers. No one heard, no one cared. What's that? Oh, you wanna know what happened? Well let's go back 30 minutes, shall we?

30 minutes ago

I walked out of my room. The clock showed 10 am. "Hey I got up early." The others were helping Thomas already. "Virgil!" I heard echo in the room. "Yay can't wait to see what I did wrong now." I said fake smiling. I snapped and was there. "What?" I asked the others. "Oh wow he actually was up!" Roman said amazed. "Haha." I said rolling my eyes. "Enough mockery." Logan said. "Mockery? I wasn't mocking him! I was just surprised! He usually gets up by 12pm! Sorry that I was shocked!" Roman said crossing his arms and pouting. "Roman stop being childish." Logan said. "Oh so now I'm childish!" "Yes! You are acting like a toddler!" "Guys-" Thomas tried interrupting. "Not now Thomas!" Roman said holding his hand up. "Roman let's get back to the subject of discussion please." Logan said trying to remain calm. "No! We will discuss this subject! Why do you always think I'm making fun of you guys?!" "Maybe because you do it all the time." I mumbled. "Virgil! No one asked for your input! I don't know why I loved you! You are boring, weird and useless! So just shut up! No! One! Cares!" I was taken back. I felt tears threatening to pour. I put up my hood and disappeared.

I realized what I did. No, I didn't mean it. "Roman! Look what you did!" Patton said disappointed. "Yeah wow..." Thomas responded. Logan pushed his glasses up. "Great now I'm the villain." (I never thought I'd see the day) I said. "So back to the subject." I said. "You aren't going to apologize?" Patton asked. "Well yes, but after we finish our discussion." "Fine, but you better apologize profusely." Logan said sternly. "With flowers, and chocolate, and more flowers, and love, and flowers." Patton said. "Got it." I stated. "You think you forgot flowers?" Thomas asked. "No he said it. Three times Thomas." Logan said. "Sarcasm. It was sarcasm Logan." Thomas explained.

"He was right I am boring. And weird. And useless. No one cares." I looked at the clock. 11:34 am. Knock knock knock
I looked up. I sighed. Knock knock knock "Ugh what?!" "Can I come in?" It was Roman. "Why? I thought I was boring, weird, and useless. Thought no one cared." The door creaked open. "Virgil I'm sorry. I got angry and-" "Yeah yeah yeah. You're sorry and you didn't mean it and you still love me then you give me a hug and everything is back to normal." I said in a mocking tone.

"Well ok umm yeah. So do you accept my apology?" "Say it." "Say what?" He asked. "You know. Say. It." Roman sighed. "I'm a baby and have temper tantrums." "And?" "I'm an idiot and you're the best thing that will ever happen to me. Ever." "I'm content." "Did you give him the flowers?" A far off voice asked. "No." Roman yelled back. "Well do it!" The voice yelled. Roman got on one knee and presented a bouquet of Black Roses, Queen of the Night Tulips, and Calla Lillies. "I got you your favorites." I smiled and took them. "Thanks." Roman sat on my bed. I took a Calla Lily and put it behind his ear. "There, now people know you're mine." He laughed. I scooted closer to him and kissed his cheek. "Thanks for the flowers." Roman smiled. "My pleasure my sweet Arum Palaestinum."

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