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   Virgil and Roman on the couch. "So Virgil, go ahead. Tell me what you wanted to say." "Roman I love you." "Oh um wow. Uh wow." Roman said nervously and blushing. " that's...ok?" "Oh yeah totally. That's fantastic-I mean not fantastic-ok. Not ok-great. Ugh I'll shut up." He said putting his head in his hands. This made Virgil laugh. Roman started laughing too.

   "So do you?" "Do I what." "Feel the same, it's totally fine if you don't, just wanted to know." "Oh yeah I do. I have. For months." "Months?" "Yeah." "Wow." "Yeah." They sat there awkwardly. Silence. For a looooooooooong time. Too long.

   "Soooo, do we kiss or something?" "What?!" "Sorry! I just, I don't know how relationships work. Do we kiss or is that later, maybe not at all. What is love?" Virgil laughed at Roman's nervous rant. "Too much?" Roman laughed. "Nah your cute." "Heh. Cool." Cool? Wow that was smooth. "Cool." Yeah reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaal smooth Ro. Shut up me! No! Roman thought. "Do you wanna kiss?" Virgil asked. "I mean umm...yes." Virgil laughed. He leaned in and kissed him sweetly. He pulled away after a second to see Roman's reaction. Roman smiled and pulled him into another kiss.

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