Next Level (smut)

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Omg! I can't believe I'm doing it! I don't know how to feel. Ugh just enjoy I guess...

Virgil POV
   Roman and I have been dating for a while. I have been thinking we should take it to the next level. Roman walked in and sat next to me. "Hello babe." He said sitting down and kissing my cheek. I smiled. "Hi Roman."
   We sat in silence for a while looking at our phones. I turned to him. "So umm I need to ask you something." Roman turned to me. "Oh umm go ahead." He said nervous. "So we've dating for a while. I just wanted to know, do you think we should take it to the next level? It's totally fine if you don't." "Next level? You mean," Roman looked around. "this?" He made a gesture with his hands. 👉👌
"Yeah, that." I agreed. Roman's face turned bright red. "Umm this is so sudden I-I don't know." "It's totally fine if you don't I just wanted to ask." "Oh ok." He laughed nervously. "I'll umm get back to you on that." Roman said leaving.
"Great I just made things awkward." I said putting my hood up and walking to my room. I sat in my room having a panic attack because of me thinking what Roman thinks of me now. Eventually I fell asleep.
I woke up the next day in my bed to footsteps. I saw a silhouette of someone at the end of my bed. I slowly opened my eyes, they were on my bed now. Then I saw who it was, Roman. He was crawling on my bed closer and closer. "W-what are you doing?!" I said sitting up. "Giving you what you wanted." He said seductively.
   He came close to my face and smiled. He started kissing my neck and took off my shirt. "Roman." I moaned. He continued kissing up and down my body for several minutes. Roman had started going further down and as I moaned more he started to...
APRIL FOOL'S! Haha this is the only prank I'll pull today. That almost got graphic. Be honest, who thought I was actually gonna do it? I have been planning this since February...I'm sorry and please don't be mad also happy easter that's also today. I'll be honest I was having fun coming up with this. Maybe I'll actually do it some day.
Have a great day 😜✌️

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