7 Minutes in Heaven

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   Roman, Logan, Patton and Virgil were playing games. Charades, Pictionary, Paranoid, and Truth or Dare. They were in the middle of Truth or Dare when it was Patton's turn to dare someone. "Oh umm Virgil you...no. Oh umm Roman...no not that either. This is hard." Patton whined. "Come on just pick something you've always wanted someone to do." Logan said impatiently. Patton got it. "Virgil, I dare you and Roman to do 7 minutes in heaven." Patton said giddy.
    Virgil sat there with no emotion. Roman smiled. Virgil stood up, grabbed Roman's hand and went to a nearby closet. Logan set the timer and waited. "You two have fun." Patton said winking.

Virgil POV
   Roman and I stood in silence for a while. "So do you think they're listening?" Roman whispered. I nodded. I had an idea. "Wanna pull a prank on them?" Roman smiled and nodded.

3rd Person POV
   Logan tried getting Patton away from the closet. "Patton stop it." He said trying to pull him away. "Nooooooo. Logan they might kiss or confess or both." Patton complained. "I don't care this is private." "It was my dare I should be able to do what I want." Patton said. "Ugh fine. Don't blame me when you get yelled at." Logan said leaving the room.
   Then he heard it. Kissing noises. Giggling. He ran to the closet. "Roman I love you so much." "I love you more." Roman said giggling. Then came kissing noises again. Patton fanboyed. "Ahh uhh." He heard someone moan. He heard shuffling and zipping. He looked at the clock. 2 minutes 43 seconds. Then he heard a thud.

Roman POV
   Virgil and I decided to pretend to make out. We made kissing noises, every once in a while giggling. We did this for 2 maybe 3 minutes. We said I love you to each other. Then Virgil got really into it, he moaned and made me stop. He giggled and unzipped his jacket. It was getting hot in here.
   I decided to move around and tripped over something. It was dark after all. Virgil wasn't paying attention and I fell right on top of him. Instead of being surprised Virgil was smiling. Then he grabbed me and pulled me forward, really kissing me this time. As soon as our lips touched, I felt a fire ignite within me. It was like it was meant to be. I kissed back. Virgil put his arms around my neck and laughed when we pulled away for a second to breath.
   I got lost in the kiss and didn't realize when an alarm started going off. Then when the door opened I ignored it. All I was thinking of was Virgil. Then Patton screamed. I pulled away and covered my ears and so did Virgil. "Oh my god! You guys were making out! Ahhhhhh!" Patton screamed. "Yeah, yeah we were until you started screaming." Virgil said bitterly. Then Logan came in. "Patton *sigh* I told you to leave them alone." (Logan sounds like a disappointed parent 😂) "But they're so cute Logan." Patton said while Logan was dragging him out of the room. Virgil and I were now standing. Virgil pushed me against a wall and smiled. He pulled me into a kiss. He put one arm around my neck and the other on my chest. I put my arms around Virgil's waist. We stood there making out for a while. Every once in a while breaking the kiss to breath and laugh. I was so happy that Patton dared us to do 7 minutes in heaven.

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