Just A Minute

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Logan and Roman were working on a script for a video. Patton was waiting for Logan to be done so they could spend time together. "Logaaaaaaaan? Are you done yet?" "Not quite. You may go entertain yourself with other things." "Alright."

Patton tried everything but only wanted to be with Logan. He found Logan again, organizing book on his shelves. "Logan can we hang out now?" "I'll be done with this task soon but, there are many other things in the way. I'm sorry Patton but maybe later." "Ok."

Patton and Virgil sat in his room. "So Logan's ignoring you too?" "Yeah." "Seems like our dates are too busy for us." "Yeah but he said later." "Patton, later means 'We aren't doing it anytime soon go do something else'." "It does?" "Believe me Roman says it all the time. Later this. Later that. We never do anything." "Wow well Logan seemed like he really meant later." "Yeah, seemed."

It was night time and it looked like Virgil was right. Until there was a knock upon the door. "Patton? Do you still wanna hang out?" Patton shrugged his shoulders. "Ok I'm sorry I didn't plan on having that much to do." "It's fine I understand. I wasn't the most important thing at the moment." "Well you are now." Logan said kissing Patton. Patton kissed back.

They pulled away and smiled. "You're so cute. How was I blessed with such a beauty?" Logan asked. Patton laughed and scooted over on his bed. Logan laid down next to him. They cuddled with each other for a while before drifting off to sleep.

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