Chapter 5

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I inhaled sweet, fresh polluted air as we exited out the hospital, singing a random song just to make unnessary noise. Everyone was glad I finally got out, I was extremely relieved that I'm out so that I don't have to constantly replay that fact that I don't want any fod to the same old nurse that entered my room every day and yet still give me that disgusting hospital food. I can finally get out and adventure all I want without all those machines hooked up to me to keep me alive.

"So," Felix came from front of me, walking backwards. "Micky D's?"

"Micky D's." I grinned, and he grinned as well. He came back to the side of me and told me basically everything I missed while I was in the hospital. It was just the usual: I missed a shit ton of work, so and so got suspended for doing this and that, and so and so got pregnant with so and so and so and so denied it was their's. Just the normal shit that goes down in the school.

"I'm not suprised, that girl doesn't have any self-discipline. She's throwing herself out there like she's gonna be young for ever." I responded.

"My thoughts exactly," Signe added. "And it pissed me off. I just wanna punch that hoe and knock some common sense into her. I just wanna back hand her.." Signe shaped her hand and did the violent action, which made us laugh.

"I don't blame you," Felix came in front of us to hold open the door. We entered and went up to the front counter. "Now that she has a baby, she better learn how- NOT IT!" I yelled before any one else. Then followed Signe, Marzia and Felix. Mark was left to pay for us, and we laughed as he looked down at his wallet in shame. We ordered what we wanted, Mark paid with that same look of disappointment and grabbed our orders, waiting for up outside.

"You guys are actual spawns of Satan." He commented and we contiune our walk home.


"Guess who's back, back again, (Y/N)'s back, tell a friend!" The four of us chanted as we entered the house. Mark didn't join because he was till reflecting on his life choices up till the point where he had to pay for our lunch. All eyes were on us as we created unnessary noise. Everyone huddled around me at the doorway, shooting a million questions at once.

"Jeez, calm down. You don't just yell out questions to a girl who just got out of the hospital." I said and rolled my chair into the living room. "One person at a time please."

"(Y/N) are you OK?" Mom asked, obviously worried out of her mind. I don't blame her. If I had a daughter and she went through what I went through, I'd probably pass out from worrying too much.

I raised two fingers up to my neck and feel under my jaw. I nodded slightly and hummed, hearing some scoffs from the people around me.

"I'm still breathing so that's a good enough explanation." I repiled.

"How you doing? You able to go to school? You did miss a lot of work." Bob asked. I gave him that "really" glare.

"You're actually asking a girl in a wheelchair, who had trouble doing a lot of things for the past two weeks if she's able to go to school? What do you think my answer would be, Bob, please tell me." I answered and rolled my eyes. Everyone else laughed at my sarcasm, while Bob looked guilty because of his question. "Don't take it to the heart Bob, I'm doing just fine, if that's what you want to know. I could use a nap though." I yawned.

"Alright then," dad started. Felix and Mark came up to my side, picking me up to help me up the stairs. "You go rest, dinner will be done by the time you wake up." I nodded. The boys leaded me up to my room and sat me down on bed. Mark left the room, closing the door. Now, it was just me and my other half. My main.

"Hey," he started, grabbing some sweatpants and a oversized shirt from dresser.

"Hello." I said, cathing the clothes he threw at me. I started to strip out of the black skinny jeans and tight shirt I was in and put on what he gave me. Felix helped me with my pants as I was having difficulty reaching over. "How many times have you seen me the the hospital?"

"As many times as I could. School was getting the way of some visits."

"Ah.." I breathed in agreement. "You're one of a kind Felix. Honestly, it's hard to find people like you, and that's why I appreciate you so much." He blushed and ran his fingers though his dirty brown hair, entering the bed with me. I huddled close to him, holding onto his shirt and taking in his scent. He put on that sweet deodorant again, nice... I thought and wiggled closer to him.

"Marzia is very lucky to have you." That was the last thing I said before closing my eyes, falling under a deep sleep. I felt his big and long arms wrap around my small, fragile body, his body heat transferring to me. His soft lips came to contact with my forehead, reassuring that everthing's alright. This is what I need. Now I know for sure that I'm back home.


"Wake up hoes," A voice said as the big blanket was lifted off of our bodies, exposing us to the cold air that was entered into the room. Felix and I unconsciously huddled closer to each other by reflex to keep ourselves warm with each other's body heat. "Dinner's ready."

"What time is it?" I asked in a groggy tone, rubbing my eyes and streching. The man beside me did the same and yawned. I sat up on my bed and gave whoever had the audacity to suddenly wake us up a deadly glare. That single glare that in one second sends shivers down your spine. And that's what they did. I saw the figure in the bright light shiver for a quick second.

"8:34, now get up." They said once again, throwing the blanket at me before leaving the room without another word. I yawned, got up and put the blanket back on the bed where Felix was still laying. I'm suprised that he didn't get up and leave during the duration of that little nap. He stayed and slept with me, in a good way of course. Probably to reassure me if I have a nightmare.

I reached out my arms and with a groan, he filled them with his pesance, putting his chin on my head and sighing.

"I wish I could just fall asleep and never wake up." Felix commented in a quiet voice, so quite that only my ears can hear.

"Same. I just want to born as a rock in my next life." I added. (I wonder who else wants to be a rock in their next life) Especially in my current situation, where I have to be in a wheelchair for most of my recovery days, I just want to stay in bed until my cuts heal. I don't want to move at all, but you know, the world is not built like that. Logic applies where ever you go on this globe, and that's how it will always be. (The only place where you wouldn't find logic is this book ;))))

"Let's go eat."

(AN: so, how's the sequel so far??)

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