Chapter 62

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(Notice how we're 62 chapters in and there's no end in sight. You're welcome that I'm feeding u that good shit)

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*
*two days later*

"Good afternoon class," the history teacher started as he walked into the class, holding a big bag with him, "I assume that everyone's here because we don't have enough time to do attendance, but we do have a few minutes to say congratulations to our beautiful (Y/N) and Felix for that wonderful talent show on Friday. Everyone, please give them a nice round of applause." The class started to clap and cheer as Felix and I hid our face in embarrassment.

This whole day, the both of us and everyone in our talent show has been getting cheers from teachers and students because of Friday. You'd think that people would forget about it, but it's still fresh in people's mind to the point where some of us were kicked out of McDonald's at luck for making too much noise. And guess who that noise was connect to. Us, obviously. Of course, we're greatful for getting all this attention and love just because we elevated a simple talent show.

"Thank you, thank you," we tried to calm the class down through our giggles, but everyone kept of clapping.

"What you guys did on Friday was truly amazing, don't forget that." The teacher said, "now, shall we go for our hiking trip?" Everyone started to get out of their seat and line up in front of the door, getting ready to leave. I took my bag and umbrella, getting beside Felix as we started to walk out the class. Once outside, I was about to open my purple umbrella to find out it stopped raining and the sun was out again. It didn't look like it was going to rain again, but next thing you know, your city is under a thunderstorm alert because Ireland is bipolar like that. Damn you, Ireland weather. (My Canadian ass can relate so hard it's not even funny XD)

The class walked down to the nearest subway station, and to our luck, there was still a empty subway that was waiting for our ass. We quickly jumped in as the doors started to close and everyone grabbed a seat, except for me and a few other people who liked to stand. The class stayed quiet, expect for the small group of boys that were causing unnecessary noise, making both the teachers and students disown them.

I stood in front of my best friend and Sean, listening to my music on low volume while Sean was on his phone and Felix was too busy looking into the future as if he was Raven Symoné. (You can gaze into the future (future ,future) You might think life would be a breeze(life is a breeze))
All in all, the day was going pretty smooth, which is rare for the fifth period History class.


Getting off the bus, it was only a small walking distance until we reached the gates to whatever was going on. The bus that we took literally lead us to no where. There was no houses, no cars or pedestrians passing by, it made me think we were at a some sort of murder house; which in that case, sign me and my edgy ass up.

Suddenly, the gigantic, very nicely polished, dark red hardwood doors with golden elements sprinkled all over opened wide, a petite young woman that isn't even a third of the door stood with a bright smile. Felix and I both sighed with a 'ugh', her smile was too bright.

"Well hello there, White Rose!" She sang, and the two of us dreaded it. Please, don't tell me were with Dora the fucking Explorer for the rest of the day. Felix and I thought in unison. (Is that even a thing?) "I'm suprised that you guys are this early, the crew and I were thinking that you weren't even coming, but here you are!" She chuckled, but none of us, even the teacher, laughed along with her. The boys who were snickering at the back were laughing at her.

"Well come on, I'm pretty sure you're tired from all that standing." She started to lead us inside their facility, which we followed. "I was actually about to go on my lunch break, but seeing how you're already here, I guess I'll just have to give you to Brian. BRIAN!" She suddenly yelled, startling all of us. Her scream was demanding enough, the boys in the back managed to keep their mouth shut.

Not a second later, a man who was finishing the last bit of his uncooked ramen walked out of the small building, threw away his plastic and stood beside the girl. (Uncooked ramen is bomb as fuck, but I've never actually eaten a whole package because someone once told me that the noodles will turn into worms in my stomach and I still believe it). Instantly, I could hear all the panties drop from all the girls in the class just from how Brian stood. He was well built, chiseled jaw, looked somewhat like a gentleman, and not to mention the gigantic buldge in his pants that made other boys jealous. If I wasn't the person I was now, trust and believe when I say this: I'd be on my knees, slurping up what is between his legs with chopsticks.

"Brian, this is White Rose, the school that we thought was not going to come. White Rose, Brian, some son of a gun who I work with." Brian sent a small wave, as if he was intimated by us (which he should be, unlike his little coworker beside him). The girl with blonde hair violently nudged him, meaning she wanted him to speak.

"H-hello." He groaned and held his side in pain. The girl only sighed.

"Like I said. I'm going on my lunch break and Brian would be with you for a little while until I come back. Brain," she sighed, "just make sure no one dies. Don't take them into forbidden parts, alright?"

"You worry too much, my friend. Go eat your lunch," he started to push away the girl, "we're going to have a lot of fun, isn't that right White Rose?" He looked back at us and winked with a bright smirk on his face. This guy is no good. I approve. Once the girl was outside of the gates, Brian slammed the door and turned around, that smirk only getting bigger and bigger as he walked closer to us.

"Now, I'm a smart guy. I know that you guys are some smart and evil little shits. That talent show on Friday, I was there. Who planned that shit? That show was amazing!" I raised my hand and forced Felix to raise his too. The blue eyed boy looked down at the floor and sighed in disappointment.

"Oh? The couple-"

"Friends." I quickly corrected him before he could get the wrong idea.

"The friends planned it- oh! You two were the MC's, yeah?" I nodded, a grin creeping on my face. "I also heard that you two are some troublemakers. Hmm (Y/N)?"

"Well I mean..." I let go of Felix's hand, walking towards Brian. The smirks on our face never left.

"Don't try to bullshit you way out of it. You're like me. You love making messes and not cleaning up after yourself." (Just from this alone, I wonder how many people can guess which Brian I'm talking about....even though I only know like two famous Brian's)

"Oh so much, it should be illegal." He chuckled.

"Good, that means me and you are going to have a lot in common," I walked up beside him and he draped his arm over my shoulder. I could already tell that I'm going to have a lot of fun with this fool, "Well anyways, the talent show was amazing, you are amazing, and let's get to our hiking. I hope y'all brought some shorts and dome sunscreen, because it doesn't look like the rain's coming back." We started to walk closer to the small house like building.

(Yikes, another filler chapter, well it kind of isn't because it leads straight into the next chapter which is apart of the story uk? Secondly, there is only one reason I named this boy Brian, which I'll explain later hehehe)

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