Chapter 15

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"So then yeah, I gave my bracelet to her," I explained my time in there to the others as they were very curious. They all sat around me, staring as I spoke. Even dad and Tatiana were all ears while mom was in the kitchen, cooking up something for us to eat. "And that's that, nothing that speical happened while I was in there. I did get into fight cause, you know, I'm (Y/N), but yeah, I was basically friends with everyone there, so that's why my time in there was easy breezy beautiful, Covergirl." I sighed, leaning back and throwing my hands being my head and shutting my eyes momentarily.

"But then how about Jack?" Marzia asked, which made me shoot my eye back open and look at her.

"That voodoo man? Oh hell no! I don't want to even start with that man," I shook my head no violently as if I speak his name, he'll appear and cast some black magic on me. I'm not ready for that type of shit. "I'm not trying to have him send his bad luck to me. He's the reason why I was there!" They chuckled, even though I was being (partially) serious. Their laugher and smiles came on to me and I started laughing as well.

"(Y/N), I need a little help here." Mom called from the kitchen.

"Coming!" I repiled and jumped up from my seat, heading towards the kitchen. "Hello, mother~" I sang and wrapped my arms around my waist.

"Welcome home (Y/N)." She said, bundeling me in her arms. I looked up to see her looking down at me with a small, closed lip smile. "Now help me with the lasagna. The cheese is in the fridge." I, very bubbly now that I hugged mom, skipped over to the fridge to grab the cheese to shred it. The (H/C) haired woman handed me the shredder and a plate and I went at it without hesitation. Mom turned up the volume on the radio and we both slightly hummed along, enjoying the fact that everyone's here. It was unnecessary to have a conversation now since just being around these people was enough to make me feel as if I'm wanted.

"It's good to have you back home, (Y/N)." Mom said without looking at me.

"I'm glad to be back." I said, walking up behind her to see that she was already plating the pasta in the square tin. I started to sprinkle the cheese on top, still humming the song that was on. Then, I stopped.

"Wait, when do I start my community service?" I asked out of the blue, looking around cluelessly like the answer is in the air.

"Uh, about that," Felix started. "I payed the five fifty, so you're free of doing anything." I looked at him, baffled at the words that just left his mouth. I put down the cheese, walking up to the boy, obviously very confused.

"Repeat that."

"I said I payed the five hundred and fifty to bail you out of doing community services. Did you not hear me the first time?" He asked, a shining smirk on his face.

"Ok, first of all, since when did you have five hundred and fifty dollars in your account, and how come you haven't told me about it?"

"I was suprised you didn't catch up since I was always paying for your lunch lately." He repiled, standing up from the floor and walking up to me, his shit eating smirk never leaving his face. He came up to me, snaking his arms around my waist, now looking down at me. The smirk soon mixed with a small smile. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought his face closer to mine.

"You're amazing, thank you so much." I said, butting my forehead with his.

"Only for the person I love." He placed a small kiss on my forehead before pressing his again. "I, suprisingly, gathered the money in those six months. I had to get a job at the cinemas because of you (Y/N). I could have used that time sleeping, but you know, you come first." I pushed his away from me, which only left one of his arms on me. He slowly brought me back to him, closer than before. Too close that our lips were almost touching.

"Only because I love you, (Y/N)." He said, his voice deep, dark and horase. His big hands were rubbing up and down my sides, slightly pulling me closer to him, and he was threatening to pick me up again. I could feel his hot breath on my lips, making me lick my bottom lip. Felix started at me, almost like he was hungry for me, and pulled me closer, slightly tugging on his bottom lip with his teeth. I tightened my grip around his neck, pulling his face closer to mine inch by inch. One of his hands slid downwards on my side, playing with the hem of my shirt and almost touching my ass. I threatened to run my fingers through his dirty blonde hair and tug at it, wanting to earn a small groan from him. Is it too late to mention how plump and pink Felix's lips are? It's like they're begging to be sucked on.

"OH MY GOD JUST KISS ALREADY! LIKE HOW CLOSE DO YOU GUYS HAVE TO BE?" Signe yelled from behind us. I shifted my head to the side to look at her, shaking my head side to side and releasing Felix to go back to work.

"How many times do I have to remind you that Felix is for Marzia? I'm not trying to steal my best friend's man." I said and contiuned my work that I started.

"Exactly." The blue eyed man agreed, sitting back down on the carpet. "I only have my eyes on a specific person," he winked at Marzia, which made her turn bright red and immediately look down and fiddle with her hands, "and I think (Y/N) has her eyes on someone as well." I snorted.

"I beg to differ. I told you, that voodoo man, I don't want anything to do with him." I stated. And nothing is going to change my opinion on that. Jack could do whatever he likes to somehow change it, but I promise you, it will stay the same until the day I die.

I finshed sprinkling the leftover cheese over the lasagna, and put the whole tray in the preheated oven. I washed my hands and took the rag to wipe down the counter to get rid of anything that spilled. Mom did the same. Moments later, the two of us went to the living room, a glass of white wine in her hand while I had my glass of water, and found a seat beside anyone.

I, obviously, sat down on the floor, right beside Felix, and laid my head on his lap while he played with my hair. He grabbed my cup of water and took a sip while I checked all my social media platforms for anything and everything I missed. Of corse, I missed a lot of videos from my favourite youtubers, but it's not like it matters, I'll down all them in two hours tomorrow like I didn't miss anything.

Quickly checking apps like Instagram and Snapchat, I soon turned off my phone to enjoy whatever was on with my big ol' family. Now is not the time to worry about who posted what, it's about who's in the same room as me right now. And that's all that matters to me.

(AN: wow, the sexual tension in that one was verrry strong. But do you mind, maybe, do I mind, not one bit because I'm a nasty freak like that. You know, I always have a bunch of shit scrambled in my head that I want to write out in AN's, but then when it comes down to actually typing it out, my mind goes blank, I forget what I wanted to talk about and it pisses me offfff!! Am I the only one who experiences this? I hope not. I don't want to be the only one who goes through this type of horror. But ANYWAYS

Thanks for reading,

And I'll see you,

In the next chapter.


-Tasha. )

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