Chapter 23

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"Felix, Signe, this is my childhood friend from Canada, Jackson. Jackson, Felix and Signe, two idiots who I'm friends with." I introduced. Jackson only gave them a small wave. Felix waved bark half heartly while Signe kept her eyebrow raised out of suspicion, and slightly out of arousal.

"He's not dangerous, Felix, come sit." I said as he walked into the living room hesitantly. As for Signe, she brushed her hair back, slipping into the empty spot on the other side of Jackson, getting real close. I sighed, knowing that Jackson's beauty has already taken affect on Signe. She's already too deep in, I can't get her out, I can already hear her perverted thoughts. Felix, on the other hand, sat on the ground, still very unsure about Jackson. Jackson looked at the blonde through his furrowed eyebrows. Oh no.

"Why weren't you at school today?" Signe asked, staring right at Jackson, not caring if she made him uncomfortable. Singe has a weird way on showing her affection to boys that she likes. Sometimes, it's scares them off.

"I was showing this one around at the mall, and doing a little shopping." I repiled, turning up the volume on the T.V. when the show started to get even more spicy, and the tension between my brownie and blonde only grew thicker and stronger.

"Aww, you should have let me show him around, I'm an expert at that," the dark brown haired girl said, brushing two of her fingers up and down Jackson's hairy arm. "I know this town like the back of my hand, it's only appropriate for a person like me to do so."

"And you think it's appropriate for you to hit on my childhood friend?" I turned my body so that I was looking at her, my sarcasm fully visible. "Jackson, hurry up and take her and her horny ass upstairs and fuck her." They laughed.

All of a sudden, Felix got up from the floor and walked over the front door, putting on his shoes.

"Sorry guys, my mom said I have to be home tonight. See you tommrow." He said. Before I could ask why, he was already out the door. That's odd, especially with Felix. First, he was awfully quiet in the few minutes he was here, then, he gets up and leave abruptly, using way too formal speech between us, and using a very poor excuse to leave. The Felix that I know wouldn't care if his mom really wanted him at home, he would still chill with me. So that means something's not right.

I got up, debating whether I should put on my shoes and go get him and ask him what's wrong, or let him be and ask him tommrow. I chose the second option, probably because he probably stomped his way home already. So I only locked the door. As I walked back to my seat, I saw a sense of relief on Jackson's face. Was it because Felix left? I shook it off, sitting down and continuing to watch the show, even though I missed a big chunk.


I combed through my tangled, (H/C) hair, swaying my head side to side lightly to The Ballad of Mona Lisa by Panic! At the Disco on low volume so I wouldn't wake up my family and Jackson. I decided I would get a head start on today because I missed classes yesterday, and it is my responsibility to attend class, and catch up on any work that I missed on the previous day. Ew, responsibility... I cringed at the word that I have to (unfortunately) hold with me for the rest of my life because "that's how the world works", said every mother ever.

Putting on some clear lip gloss, I slipped the small tube into the pockets of my sweatpants, took my bag and my sweater that laid on my bag and went downstairs. I was too unbothered to stay ten more minutes to make me a sandwich for breakfast, so I only took a bottle of water and a apple with me, put on my shoes and left my house, locking the door behind me. I changed the song to Nicotine by the same band and played it on low volume, just enough to keep me awake, biting into the bright red apple.

Entering the school after a short walk, I put my things into my locker, grabbing my books for Drama. And to my suprise, there was another small (F/C) box with another note attached to it. I took the note and box, and there was another twenty pound coin in it. The note read:

I know my foolish behavior has got you questioning me,
And I apologize for being such an asshole to a girl as beautiful as you.
You deserve better than how I've been treating you.
And you also deserve a snack.
Buy yourself something.

Ok, now this is getting creepy, who the hell is watching me twenty-four seven? How do they know I'm hungry? I sighed with a shiver going donw my spine as I took the money and Drama things and went to go buy myself a granola bar and munch on it while I walked down to my drama class.

More students started to roll into the school, nevermind the class, as the teacher started to run down through the things that I missed while I was in jail, and the lesson that I missed yesterday. Sooner or later, I saw a individual walk into the classroom, a individual with a fimilliar 'YOLO' sweater, walk to the back of the class, using thier hood to cover their face completely ignoring me. Odd, but I didn't question it and contiuned to listen to the teacher in front of me. Who the fuck presses his buttons?

The bell eventually rung, the teacher asked me if I understood it, I nodded, and she went to the front of the class as more students entered the room.

"Alright class, good morning, first of all," the skinny blonde teacher started, "since we wrapped up our pervious unit yesterday, and I really don't want to start the new unit the guide wants us to, so for this new unit, let's take it and make it into our own. Of course, we have Ms. Sarcasm back," I gave a small wave, knowing she's was talking about no one else expect for me.

"And this unit is improv, basically acting without a scrip. For example, (Y/N), did you hear about the fight that happened down the street?"

"Ah yeah, my sister tried to get in between the two and stop it, but she got injured, the poor thing is fighting for her life in the hospital." I repiled off the top of my head, unintentionally adding my accent to sound more realistic.

"See, something like that, but not that extreme," the teacher looked back at me and I only shurgged my shoulders, "we'll also add props to the script, so (Y/N), can you go grab my handbag for me?" I picked up an invisible bag and placed it on the table.

"Jesus teach, what do you have in here, a bulldog?" The class chuckled at my joke.

"Now, I'll be handing out a package with a bunch of scenarios. You'll chose two, merge them together, with a partner, and expand on the small scenarios with props, eirther handmade or anything you can find around the school." Partners? I turned around to see Felix, but he was already talking to the girl beside him, choosing a scene from the package. I furrowed my eyebrows at his weird behaviour. Not that there's anything wrong with him having someone else as a partner, but it's just that he'll always look to me as a first option. Odd that he didn't even consider me.

(You smell that? That's the bullshit getting closer and closer!)

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