Chapter 9

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Jumping from the higher bunk, I followed behind said girl who's name I still don't know yet into the cafeteria. The cafeteria eirther had people sitting down and already eating their foods, or people waiting in line for their food. The Aisan girl in front of me handed me a tray for food and we waited to be served.

"Hey darling, care to tell me what beautiful name you hold?" A hot breath followed by a low voice fell onto the crook of my neck, sending a shiver down my spine, and it wasn't good.

"I'm alright." I repiled. Instantly, I was taken by the hand and was spinned around so I could face whoever's hot breath was on my neck.

"Don't be like that sweetie, I'm just trying to know you more," My head was tilted up with two fingers under my chin by their left hand, while their right hand was in the air, entangled with my fingers. Their face was really close to mine, and I was getting really flustered on how slick they were. "Especially with that banging body of yours."

"Tay, let her go." The person in front of me said and immediately, I was related and turned back around.

"Who- no, what the fuck are you, some type of wizard?!" I asked in shock. She chuckled, the smirk evident in her laugh. She didn't answer my question, but only stepped up to be served. Still in my state of shock, I only placed the tray on the metal surface, unaware who was serving me. That was until a hint of green feel in my peripheral view. I turned my head and was in more of shock than before. Well, more of confusion than shock.

"Jack?!" I asked as the green haired man waved at me with his shit eating grin on his face. He was in a apron, wearing gloves and a hair net. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"My volunteer hours, what else does it look like?" He repiled and served me a spoonful of green peas. I kissed my teeth and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Wherever I am, you are there too. And you come cast your voodoo and I get hurt. Just leave me alone now." I commented and contiuned down the line while he only laughed. That man has some next level black magic, and it affects me the most when he's always around me. Now, I'm in jail, and guess what? He appears! It's like I can't get away from him even if I wanted to. Is he attracted to me somehow?

I grabbed a fork and knife and joined my inmate on a table where no one else was. I began to eat the horrible food they served while she stared at me.

"You're not gonna eat?" I asked.

"Why are you still around me?" I shurgged my shoulder, unaware myself why I'm following her like a dog.

"Probably cause I don't think you'll harm me with that twig." I repiled and contiuned eating. Right away, before I even knew it, she broke two of the picks on the fork and lunged at me. I quickly acted and grabbed my kinfe and held it up to her throat as she did the same with the broken fork.

"Impressive." She only said and sat back down, pulling out another fork that was in her pocket. She shoved some food in her mouth. "Yang."

"(Y/N)." I smirked and ate my barbecue ribs like my shit don't stink. I don't know this first thing about the bitch, but I'm already obsessed
with her.(Rs, don't you just hang around a person and since they're so different to you and their personality is like 1000x calmer than yours, you just start to obsessed over them and want to be them because they're them? Yeah? B/c I do with my all my friends)

---Time Skip brought to you by an accurate representation of me dancing when they play my song at the school dance---

(*Sliver Spoon starts playing*
Friend 1: oh no
Friend 2: plz don't

Averting my eyes from my book, I looked to see that Yang entered the room. Without any words, she only jumped into her bed, and then only thing I heard was shuffling from her end of the bed. Curiosity came over me, so I leaped over and looked down at the girl who was laying sideways, reading a letter that had scribbles all over it. One of them had a picture clipped onto it.

"Who's the letter from?" I asked and in a blink of an eye, she held it close to her chest so that I couldn't see. "Husband? Lover? Fri-"

"My child." She said in a quiet voice just to hide the fact that her voice was trembling. "My baby boy that I'll never see again." I was taken back on her words. I never knew that she, out of all the people in the prison, would have a child. Thought she was apart of some sort of gang and having a child would be the last thing that occupied her mind, but I was well mistaken.

"What's his name?" I asked in a more gental tone. She hesitantly handed me the picture that was apart of the letter. It was picture of her and her son, smiling brightly at the camera, but it was ripped halfway. I'm guessing it was the child's father that abruptly left.

"Christian. Seven years old, and he's already having doubts in life just because of how much of a mess I am." She said. I all of a sudden, felt for her. There's a young boy out there without a mother because she's in jail for life. No child should suffer though that pain, especially when they're as young as seven.

"Damn..." I stated and turned back onto my bed, not wanting to ask any more questions that will piss her off. I reopened my book and contiuned reading, making as less noise then possible so that she could have time to reflect.

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