Chapter 18

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I laughed hysterically as I left the McDonald's bulding. A girl who was apart of the crowd, and also in charge of the school's website, told us a joke, which cracked everyone up, no matter if you were apart of the conversation or not. Signe was dying on the floor, and by then, Felix and Marzia met up with us. They too were grasping for air because of how hard they were laughing. Pulling out my phone to see what time it was, I somehow lost track of time. I was probably too into the whole story telling and completely forgot that school was a thing.

1:17 P.M.

The clock read. Oh crap, I was very late for Language. I quickly grabbed my smoothie and extra fires from Signe who was holding them and made my way all the way down back to the buliding. I quickly put my fries in my locker and grabbing my binder filled with my things for Language. I slammed the door shut in a rush and dashed down the hall to my Language class. Once I got there, the class was already in session, but something was off.

Inetad of a pale, heavy woman with blonde hair, there was a slightly tan, very well built man with blood red hair and glasses, dressed in a white dress shirt and black dress pants and a nice tie. Very out of place for a school like this.

"Hello.....?" I started, with came out more as a question because of how confused I was. The man only looked at me, started for a few seconds before pointing to a open seat at the front of the class. "Are you a supply teacher or something?"

"Uh, no. I'm here, and staying. Mr. Seven," he greeted with obvious sarcasm. I like him. Funny name, but I like him. "And you're (Y/N), the girl that was locked up, correct?" I nodded as I walked over to my seat. I placed my books on the table in front of me and took a seat. I sat down, confused. It's his first time seeing me, it's my first time seeing me, I've never talked to him in my life, so how does I know I was in jail?

"So as I was saying, I'm here because your teacher was on leave because of her baby." He started. Oh? I didn't know that our English teacher was pregnant.

"Now, let's start with the basics," Mr. Seven's small smile disappeared with a blink of an eye, which scared me. "I'm a chill teacher, I'm pretty laid back if I do say so myself, but when it comes to work, I'm a perfectionist, period point blank. I hate, hate, hate, giving students class time to do work and yet they hand in garbage. I hate it with a strong passion. I also dislike when students give me garbage, thinking it will help them propel in life. I had this student, I was in Italy at the time, who decided that it was a good idea to not hand in his short story. Guess what I did to him?"

"You gave him a F?" Someone in the back said.

"Bingo, without hesitation, and I announced it to the whole class. I'll embarrass you in front of your friends, trust and belive me." This guy is no joke damn...

"You're here to learn and get an education, not fool around with people you talk to and label as your friend, but once you graduate, you lose touch with them. Anyways," he got up from the desk he was sitting on and went up to the chalkboard.

"Let's start with today's lesson, that depends where your teacher left off." He grabbed a binder that was sitting on his table, and flipped through the pages. "Take out your notebook and open to fresh page.....crap, I can't find the lesson." He kissed his teeth before closing the binder and placing it on his desk.

"Let's start fresh then." A smirk appered on his face as he put the chalk that he was holing back on the rack attached to the blackboard.


"Jeez, today was so tiring." I whined while entering the house, sipping on the last drops of my mango smoothie that Felix bought for me. A lot went down today, and when I mean a lot, I mean a lot. From having that stupid boy come up to me and ask questions, to that new teacher, Mr. Six or Seven, I think, filling in for our usual language teacher, there was just a lot to take in today. Not going to lie, he is somewhat attractive.

"Well, no shut dumbass," Felix repiled as he followed me into the house, closing the door behind him, "you just came out of prison. You expected it to be all chill and laid back?" I nodded and threw my very full and very heavy backpack on the couch, taking off my shoes and heading upstairs to get dressed out of what I was wearing.

"Well, your predection was incorrect, ny friend." He added, making me scoff on my drink.

"Anyways," I threw the now empty bottle in the recycling bin, "I have a shit ton of homework that I need your help on copying."

"Or maybe I could be here to teach it to you so you can learn, instead of copying." I stood in place, rubbing my non existing chin pubes and pretending like I was thinking.

"Nah, copying is much more easier. But before I do anything, I need to get out of this." I pointed to my tight shirt and jeans. I turned back around and contiuned my walk up the stairs.

"Why do girls like you put yourself thought shit like that?" Felix asked. Instantly, I snapped my body back towards him and glared at him.

"Two reasons, my blonde bestie," I started, quickly putting the teacher roll in this. "Reason one, we suffer to impress attractive boys-"

"You find the people in our school attractive?"

"Ew, no, well, expect for you, but let me finish," he chuckled, "or reason two, we suffer to impress our attractive self when we walk past a mirror." I finished.

"Which is what I do, now if you'll excuse me," I went upstairs and quickly got out of the clothes I was in and jumped into something ten times more comfortable, also known as one very very oversized shirt that could could be mistaken as a dress. I tied my hair up in a high ponytail so it wouldn't get in the way and used a makeup wipe to get rid of any dirt along side any makeup I had on. I slipping into my Nike slippers and rushed back downstairs and quickly got a glass of water before joining Felix on the floor to do our work.

One hour into work and I've already have given up and wondered if my education was really worth it all this pain and suffering or not. And the sad part is that I'm copying Felix. I turned around and laid on my back, throwing my pencil away and sighing deeply.

"Dude, it's been fifteen minutes, come on, you have one more subject to complete." Felix reminded me, and my eyes darted his way.

"It's only been fifteen minutes?" He nodded. Guess I was quicker than I thought. I turned back around, closed my math textbook and pushed it to the side, bringing my history textbook closer. I opened it to the page that was assigned, which, apperently, had a small paper placed between the textbook and my duotang. I picked it up to read it, but it was only the same note that was in my locker eailer on in the day.

"Hey," I said, handing the paper to Felix, "someone gave me this and some money. You know who gave it to me?" He took the nor out of my hand and read though it, then shaking his head.

"No clue." He repiled. Hmm...Not thinking too hard about it, I crumpled the paper and threw it behind me, getting to my homework.

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