Chapter 29

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There was a lot of chatter, more chatter than usual when I walked through the halls of the school early in the morning. Jackson woke up eailer than me, giving him some time to prep me something to eat, which I was very thankful for. I left the house with Marzia as she stayed over for three days in a row, Felix going to her house and grabbing extra clothes for her, just being the normal gentleman he is.

"Why is everyone so hyper?" The tall girl beside me asked after she yawned. I shrugged my shoulders, unsure of what was happening. Once we reached Marzia's locker, we finally found the reason on why everyone's was hyperactive this morning. A fimilliar person walked down the hallway and passed us, but they didn't go by me before getting a little ol' reminder of who I am.

"Ashley!" I exclamed quickly before she could go any farther. I heard her huff before turning around and looking at me. It's like she never changed. She still had a full face of makeup on, her very much fake blonde hair up in a messy bun, her skirt way above her knees and high enough where her underwear is almost visible, same thing with her tank top, above her higher abdomen, her obvious pushup bar that showed through her see-through top, and her black, stripper high heels. And that bitchy aroma never leaving her side. She just screamed daddy issues.

"Good morning. I see that you recovered well from your unfortunate injuries." I said, a fake smile to show how much "sympathy" I have for her.

"Same to you (Y/N). Nice to see those cuts are healing." She repiled, returning the obvious fake smile. It was all clear to anyone that we both hated each other with a burning passion. 'But (Y/N), hate is a strong word, do you mean strongly dislike?' I know. Hate is a strong word, that's why I use it.

"Thank you, thank you." I said, mustering up the energy to give her a chuckle. She gave one back before turning around and walking. My smile immediately turned into a face of disgust as I flipped her off real quick before turning to face her.

"You really hate her." Marzia commented.

"Oh so much it should be illegal."

----Time skip brought to you by me @ armys who've sexulized Jungkook in Burn the Stage, where, if you didn't know, he was HAVING TROUBLE BREATHING AND WAS PLACED ON BREATHING SUPPORT THAT SHIT AIN'T ATTRACTIVE HONEY-

(^^ that's all I have to say. And some still have the  a u d a c i t y  to call themselves an army smh)

Walking out of class for the start of my lunch, I noticed two figures down at the end of the hall talking. Assuming it was two of my friends, I quicken my pace so that they wouldn't leave without me. But once I got closer to the pair, it was clear that it wasn't my friends, rather my enmines: Ashley and Jack. One of his arms was wrapped around her waist as they talked sweetly together and laughed. It sickened me to the core.

Yes, I dislike Ashley, but she deserves someone better than Jack. I bet he's never seen her at all when she was at the hospital. Jack is truly an awful person, so bad that I have an urge to convince Ashley to break up with Jack. Even if I hate her, she still should know how much of a complete douche that man is. I'd wouldn't wish even the most disgusting person that's walking on the earth right now a relationship with Sean.

Rich for me to say since I willingly allowed him to venture my body, even though I was fully aware that he had no intention of getting into a relationship with me. But guess what? My dumbass said 'hey, he got a big one, might as well have fun while I'm here' and did the nasty things with him. And he was my first time. Honestly, I was a real dumbass back then, wish I could just go back and time and slap some common sense into me.

I walked away from the two, turning around to see my real friends, plus one. Jackson was walking beside Felix, and Signe was on the other side of him. Three more people came out of a class the trio walked by, which turned out to be Bob, Mark and Marzia.

"(Y/N)." A voice called from behind me. I quickly took a glance to see who it was, and it was Mandy, Molly, and Wade. The three behind me joined me on waiting for the other fools to catch up. Once they did, we walked in unison out of the buliding, forcing anyone who was in front of us out of the way.

"Felix~" I called from behind him once eveyone got together with their partner. I ran up to the other side of him, locking our arms together, "I'm broke, can you buy me a large fries?" He only sighed.

"You too, you want something?" He asked Mandy, who was walking in front of us, listening to our conversation. She shook her head no. Now that I look at her, Mandy doesn't look all that good. She's lost a lot of weight since when I first started attending this school. I mean, if she wasn't happy with her weight from before, and wants to lose it, by all means, I'll let her do her thing and support her. But I'm just saying that she looked pretty healthy and well at the beginning of the year.

"Hey, (Y/N)," someone called, followed by some footsteps. All of a sudden, I see a green haired man beside me. I kissed my teeth, displeased that this fool is going to bother me before History.

"What now? Shouldn't you be toying around with that girlfriend of yours?" I spat, eyes filled with despair for him.

"Uh, no-"

"Oh so now you're just bothering me because you feel like it? Fuck off dude." I turned around, about to run and catch up with Felix, but was grabbed by my shoulder and was forced to turn to face him. He paused for a moment before speaking up.

"Actually nevermind. I was just gonna ask you what you want me to do for the assignment, but I see that you have something better to do. Sorry for bothering you." He repiled in a bitter tone, like I hurt him, his parents, his grandparents, basically his whole family line. He turned around, violently shoved his hand in his back pocket and walked into the school. The expression on my face didn't  change, but inside, I did feel a little bit of guilt rush over me. I shook it off, turning around and catching up with Signe, sneakily intertwining our arms.

(*sighs* I don't even know dude, it's like I'm so out of it, these chapters will only get shitter and shitter if I contiune to write in this conditions. Currently, I'm only writing fillers and make sure they're 1000 words, but I don't know. It doesn't feel like my writing. Doesn't feel like I'm putting all my effort into these past two or three chapter. Sorry if these aren't to your liking, or they're just bland in total. My sincere apologies.)

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