Chapter 34

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I sighed, taking in the fact that this damn math teacher assigned more unnecessary homework, that he expects that it's done by tomorrow. I'm like, hello? I'm human, I have a social life, I have only an limited amount of sanity, and this stuff is only making that bar smaller and smaller.

"Is that complaining I hear (Y/N)?" He called at me, when I'm sitting all the way at the back of the class. I lifted my head back up from my textbook and shook my head no. "I could just give you more, it those four pages aren't enough." How the hell can he hear me from back here?

"It's ok sir." I repiled, putting head head back down and kissing my teeth. The bell finally rung. I quickly gathered my things, leaving the classroom in one and not looking back before the teacher could call my name. Fortunately, I bumped into one of my friend's, Mandy. She had her hood over her head, covering most of her upper face, her black face mask cover the bottom half of her face. Weird, since when did she start wearing face masks?

"Hey," I started, looking at her as she tried to hide her face away from me, "you ok?" She nodded, still not looking up at me. She's not ok.

"Look up at me then." Immediately, she shook her head no, looking over to the side. "If you're ok, that means you could look at me. So look at me." Hesitantly, she raised up her head and pulled down the mask to reveal a big bruise that covered most of her right cheek. I instantly dropped my stuff, examining her face.

"What happened?" Suddenly, tears were falling from her eyes. Seeing as it's not the best idea to talk to her out in the open where the nosy kids in this school can hear, I quickly snuck her into the nurse's office, which was near my locker, and closed the door behind us. I sat her down, getting some tissue so she could wipe her tears, then walking over to the bed that was across from her and sat on it.

"So what happened?" She first shook her head no, "c'mom, you can tell me."

"N-no, you don't get it, I'll g-get into more trouble if I tell anyone." She chocked on her tears. I got up from the bed, crouching down in front of the dark brown haired girl and held her hands in mine.

"Please, Mandy, tell me. It will stay between us, if that's what you're worried about." I started, squeezing onto her hands so that she knows that I'm here, it's ok to tell me anything. It took her a second to recollect all her thoughts and spew them all at me. She sighed before starting.

"You n-noticed my fast weight lost, right?" I nodded, eyebrow raised.

"Well," she paused before continuing, using the white paper towel to wipe some more tears.

"I-it's because both of my parents are forcing me to enroll in a modeling competition. I told them multiple times I don't want to, b-but they've threatened to d-disown me if I don't obey."

"Mom's been teaching me how to walk with my head up and my c-chest out, she f-forces me to wear tight corsets and heels that I-I can't even walk in....and I can't do anything about i-it."

"Now I'm on a strict diet, one meal every t-three days, excersing before and after school, which is part of the reason why my homework isn't getting done and I'm failing in multiple subjects," she snfilled.

"A-and, they'd b-beat me, especially my mother, if I messed up or something. All of or some stupid competition that's I'm probably not gonna win anyways." Streams and streams of tears rolled off the surface of her face, her eyes and cheeks slowly turning red for how many times she rubbed them.

"But then she's gonna throw chairs when I don't win, call me pathetic, hide the key to the fridge from me, restrict me from drinking juice, for what? Why am I doing this? I didn't want any take of this competition, but guess what? I'm stuck in this bullshit..." She cried. I could feel her pain. I could feel her chest burning up from lack of air, her sobs only getting louder and more violent. She clutched onto my hands and the napkin, holding her chest out of pain. I brushed her long, wavy hair out of the way from her face, pulling her closer for a hug. I slowly patted her head.

"It's alright Mandy, it's alright. There's gonna be a way you can break out of that cycle, you're just gonna have to bear with it for a little more." I said.

"I just w-want it to stop. H-how do I make it s-stop (Y/N)?" I sighed, not knowing how I'm supposed to answer this.

"I'm not sure, but just know that it's gonna better. One day, they'll realize what they're doing, and what they're doing is completely wrong, but for now while they're blind, you're just gonna have to keep your head up, babe. Do it for me," I pulled away and cupped her face with my hands, looking at her glossy brown eyes. I wiped away some of her tears with my thumb.

"Keep your head up high for me, alright?" She nodded, making me smile, which made a small smile creep onto her face. "I won't tell anyone about this, ok?"

"Please. If this leaks back to my parents, they're gonna have my ass." A small chuckle left her lips. There she is, up and running like normal. I know I can't do anything now, but later, when her parents do get caught, I'll be there for the aftercare; give her all the nesssary attention that is needed in order for her to be the same old Mandy I once knew. But the thing is, I don't want to wait. I want this to stop now.

"You ready to go back out there?" I asked, lifting her out of her seat. With one final wipe of her tears with the already damp napkin, she nodded, putting back on the black face mask to cover up the big mark on her right cheek.

"It's gonna be alright, ok?" I whispered one more time in her ear to keep her steady on her feet for the rest of the day until we meet again.


I hummed my way down to my locker after Science, ready and pumped for P.E. since we're continuing with basketball, but this time, I want to be on the opposite team of Mark. Yes, we very well together, but I want to see how much power he actually has without my support.

"You ready for Gym?" Speaking of the damn devil, out of nowhere, Mark slid in the empty spot next to me, draping his arm over my shoulder and slowing his pace down so we could walk in unison.

"Yeah, but this time, I want to verse you," I repiled with a smirk, putting my things into my locker once we arrived, "and this time, I got clean clothes."

"So what are you trying to imply? Clean clothes makes you better?"

"That's exactly what I'm trying to imply." I said, taking out the bag of clothes and closing the metal door with my foot. I then jumped in front of Mark, teasing him on how my team is going to crush his team.

All of a sudden, I bumped into someone accidentally.

"Oh, sorr-" I started, but then realized who I bumped into, Ashley. Oddly, she didn't looked phased by me bumping into her.

"(Y/N), I need to tell you something." She said in a way softer tone than she usually speaks to me in. I placed my hand on my chest and furrowed my eyebrows, pushing my head backwards, confused on where this soft Ashley came from and what she did to stingy Ashley. Also, she wasn't in her usual slutty clothes today. She had no makeup on and her hair was in a low pony tail. Now something is definitely wrong

"Uh, yeah?" I repiled, being all ears on what she had to say. She first looked around, then shook her head, putting on her hood.

"Just...." She paused, "do me a favour and keep Sean safe for me, alright?"

"Pardon?" I questioned, baffled on wherever this was coming from. She didn't say anything else, but walked away to God knows where. I scratched my head.

"What was that all about?" Mark asked, also very confused like me.

"I know as much as you." I repiled, "but I'm going to go investigate. Hold this." I handed him my bag, putting on my Criminal Mind's David Rossi persona and chasing after the girl who abruptly left me.

(also completed this chapter in one sitting, and satisfied on how it came to be. Finally, I'm getting back into it)

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