Chapter 54 (NSFW)

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(Disclaimer: I may or may not have gotten a little bit carried away and may or may not have sprinkled a lil nsfw shit here and there *cough*)

*Signe's P.O.V* (I can already hear some of you facepalming lolol)
*two days later*

"Like how I stated yesterday, we're going to the library so you guys can start on your opinion essays," Mr. Seven started, swinging his key on his index finger, "and I expect that your rough copies are completed, edited and everything. I hope I don't see any students sitting at a table, writing something last minute and their good copy is boring and is filled with errors." I took my writing folder and pencil case, twirling my blue pen between my fingers, standing at the back of the class and waiting for people to start walking.

"Let this half hour be as smooth as possible, I don't want to be raising my voice at anyone." And we started to leave the class, heading to the library. Students immediately started to rush to an empty computer while some people waited to receive a laptop, like me.

Once the teacher handed me a laptop, I speed walked down to the end of the library, to a small table that was far away from everyone. I moved a coffee cup that was on the table to the side, taking my seat and opening the laptop.

Plugging in my headphones and playing my favorite song, I started to type immediately at a quick pace, forgetting about the outside world. I've always been a big literacy nerd, writing small pieces that can get my mind off of nearly anything. When I'm in my zone, you can't simply get me out since my mind would be running at a million miles an hour. If you're that determined on getting my attention, you're probably facing a death sentence. I could lose my train of thought easily, especially when it's something very good and original, and I heavily dislike losing my train of thought.

Speaking of people who are determined of getting my attention, some moron decide to tap my shoulder, making me whip my head to face them, eyes filled with anger. I clenched my fist, preparing to punch them if nesssary.

"What the-" I was about to cuss who tapped me, but it soon turned out to be Mr. Seven, standing over me with a smug smile on his face.

"Yes sir?" I sighed, pausing my music. He leaned down, placing a small peck of my lips, which partly suprised since he would do such thing in an open space like this. Well, it wasn't that open, I was still a big walking distance from the whole class. But still, you never know who's next to salsa dance their way to this part of the library. (*cue airplane pt. 2*)

"I was just checking up on you, to see if you needed any help. But now that you called me sir," he undid his tie, a bright smirk growing on his face. The older man placed his tan hands on the back of my chair, making me do a 360 so I could face him. Our faces were instantly extremely close, our noses rubbed together. The red haired man closed the space between us, picking me up and placing me on the high table, moving my computer aside.

"Ah-" I tried to talk, but his hands going up my shirt and his soft lips that were irresistible to suck on, cut me off, "sir, w-we can't do this here."

"Who said?" He moved back, looking down at me with furrowed eyebrows, "if we do quickie, no one will know." He moved back in, placing his lips on my neck, cutting me off of what I was going to say because of an incoming moan that was cased by him sucking and nibbling on the skin so softly, but so hard at the same time. My mouth remained opened, words couldn't be formed because of the intense pleasure that was running throughout my body.

"B-but sir-"

"Who cares, Signe?" His voice became dark and demonic in a blink of an eye, his hand snaking up and around my neck, squeezing lightly. He flipped me over so I was lying on the table on my stomach, and I heard his belt unbuckle. I felt my jean shorts fall to my knees quickly, along side my underwear. I felt his long fingers slide up and down my entrance, before he finally entered me. Mr. Seven lowered himself, placing all of my weight on me.

"It wouldn't matter once I have you moaning under me, begging me for me to stop while I mercilessly pound into you, leaving you with no choice but to endure it." He whispered into my ear while I felt his member slowly enter me and more pressure on three hand around my neck was applied. Once he was all the way in, he instantly went at it, not giving me a chance to adjust at all. I was already moaning, just from the way he whispered into my ear. I'd be lying if I said I disliked what came from his mouth, all while he's pounding into me at a face pace, and with hand tight on my neck. I loved every bit of it. (Same Signe)

"Isn't that right, d-doll?" He grunted through his violent thrusts. I could hear the sinister grin on his face as my reply came our more as a cry that a reply. His hands fell to my waist to keep me steady as he sped up. My head started to become fuzzy, my legs grew weak, all because of what he's doing, and this isn't even his best. S-shit, I'm go-gonna...

"S-sir, I'm c-close..." I whimpered, wishing my high will come sooner. It was about to once Mr. Seven's hand fell to my clit, rubbing fast. His thrusts started to get slower at an uneven pace, meaning he was also close.

"Shit, m-me too, doll." He moaned, trying to pick up the pace once again to finish off quickly before the class started to wonder where their teacher is. "Fuckkk~" he started to moan quietly, meaning his end was closer than normal.

The redhead reached his high quickly, but oddly before me. He started to buckle up his pants and tuck in his dress shirt before I started to whine.

"S-sirr, I still need to f-finish..." I begged. He sighed, flipping me over, and crouching, getting to work on my lower region. My hands flew to his blood red hair, tugging slightly as my eyes were shut tightly. It didn't take me lon-

"Signe?!" My eyes shot open to look directly at not Mr. Seven's orange, lust filled eyes,

But Mark's brown, shocked filled, eyes.

(wiish wdy)

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