Chapter 46

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After being locked out of the nurse’s office, I walked back to class with unease. She should have at least let me stay with her since I know what shit she's going through. But that uneasy feeling soon left once I was three speed walking down the hallway.

“What's happening?” One of the three, Mark, said once he reached me.

“She's resting. I think she'll be okay for now.” I replied, nervously running my hand through my (H/C) hair, “but still, you guys should see how she is. She has so many bruises on her body, it's scary that her parents are treating her like this.”

“And you,” I curled my hand into a fist, striking Bob’s shoulder, “how come you haven't told me or anyone about this? If I knew way sooner, those fools would be in jail by now.”

“I told you, I was scared that if I open my mouth, shit will come back to Mandy, nevermind me.” He replied, rubbing his shoulder, “jeez, was it necessary to punch me so hard?” He groaned.

“Very. You guys go look after her, I have a Drama class to attend and a skit to act out.” The three of them nodded and entered the room, leaving me by myself in the hallway once again. I walked down to my math class, only to get questioned by the teacher and not answering any of them, just in time for the bell to ring and for me to leave the room before he could catch me.


“Alright class,” Ms. Gabriel started, pacing around the wooden stage in the auditorium as us students sat quiet on the red velvet chairs before her, “I see that most of you are ready to present your skits, so,” she took a sip out of the big cup in her hands. One day, that shit will kill her and I wouldn't feel sorry.

“Unless someone volunteers, I'll be picking out names out of my trusty cup, and continue until we get through everyone.” She held up her another cup, a mug, that had popsicle sticks in it, with each group's name on it. She had another version of it, but with our separate names on them, so when no one wild volunteer, she'll pick from the mug and whoever is picked out is forced to answer, whether they liked it or not. (My teacher deadass does this and my whole class despises her for that)

“And let's do it quickly before Nathan and his friends leave the auditorium!” Ms. Gabriel raised her voice mid sentence at the three children who were halfway out the door. They instantly turned back around and sat back in their seats.

“You're walking on this ice, Nathan. Very thin ice.” She snarled, rolling her eyes before looking at the rest of us who were either waiting patiently, or trying to hold in their laughter, but is somehow failing.

“Anyways, does anyone want to go up first?” I nudged Sean, who was sitting beside me, reading the script over and over again with a bead of sweat running down his forehead. He jumped once I made contact with him.

“You wanna go up first?” I asked and pointed to the stage, “just to get it over with?”

“Let's go second, I need a second to read this again.”

“That's like your eight time reading it.” I chuckled, resting my back on the red velvet chair.

“Excuse me, but what I have before me is going to save my overall mark for drama. Might as well do it to perfection to make that 50 into a 75.” He laughed and continue to read the skit yet again.


“So why do I have a million of letters saying that the rent’s overdue? Huh? How come whenever I look in our savings account, there's nearly nothing there, not even that two hundred dollars that we needed to pay off the loan?! I'm sick and tired of your lies, Braxton!” I projected my voice for the whole room to hear, throwing the letters to the side, turning around and pinching the bridge of my nose.

“Joy, listen-” Braxton, tried to reach out for me, but I flicked his arm away, walking farther away from him. It's near. I could feel my heartbeat quicken as I had to do my last bit.

“No. I don't to hear from you until you fix yourself.” I was grabbed by my wrist again and forced to turn around and-

He kissed me.

And it was exactly like before.

His hands traveled to my cheeks and cupped them while I snaked my hands onto his waist and pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. His pursed lips mingled in sync with mine and I was very tempted to pull on his hair just to earn a groan from him. Crap, this is for drama. My hands flew up to his hair and I pulled him back from me, in desperate need for air.

“Joy, please. I have it under control.” He said with the same lost eyes as before, and it did nothing but make me fall and feel helpless for him. I let go of his hair and we bumped foreheads.

“I promise. I'll never let you down. And if I ever did, I never meant it.” He said, his tone very sincere, as if he wasn't acting any of it. I took a moment before responding.

“I trust you Braxton,” my hand glided to his own, groping and caressing the pale skin and feeling his bones, “just,” I raised his hand up to my mouth and placed a kiss before turning around and walking off.

“Fix yourself. It's not for the sake of me or you, but for this company.” And I walked off stage. Turning around, Braxton had his head down in shame, and the curtains closed on him.

The audience remained silent.

I crossed my finger and closed my eyes, praying hard that they liked it. Both the teachers and the students stayed quiet throughout out five minute and thirty seconds play, so only God knows what was going through their heads during that time.


“Wow! That was amazing!”

“Again! Again!”

“Jeez, that made me tear up a bit!”

Are all comments I heard from the crowd and the people behind me in the control studio. They liked it! They actually enjoyed our skit! With the brightest smile on the face, I joined Sean on the stage as the curtains opened up. The both of us were shocked to see what beautiful sight was before us.

Everyone in the auditorium, standing up from their seats, clapping with joy.

“We did it, (Y/N).” Sean from beside me said in my ear before placing a peck on my cheek, obviously catching me off guard. Before I could even do anything, we raised our connected hands and bowed before the audience, who's cheers were only getting louder. We rose back up and walked off the stage where the curtains closed once again. Instantly, I hugged the man before me tightly.

“Hell fucking yeah we did!” I cheered and felt his arms snake around my waist and pull me closer to him. I looked up from his chest to see him having a warm smile on his face.

“What?” I giggled, releasing him.

“Nothing. If just you're really beautiful when you smile. Smile more.” Odd for him to say something like that, but my smile only grew bigger as we walked out of the control room and back into the auditorium. As we walked up the stairs, we got many compliments and high fives from people. We thanked them as we finally made it to our seats.

Once the auditorium was quiet again, Ms. Gabriel went up on stage.

“Wow,” she started, wiping her tears, “that's was absolutely stunning, (Y/N) and Sean,” we looked at each other and smiled, interwinding our finger and holding each other’s hands tightly.

“That is how you're supposed to do a play. Simple, but very complicated. Tiny, but packs a lot of fire. You're supposed to engage the crowd, not leave them in their own world's. Leave them stunned or questioned, not bored. That's exactly with those two did,” she pointed our way.

“Everyone, give them another round of applause!” That was our cue to stand up once again and bow before taking our seats. The same giddy smile never left the both of our faces until drama was done.

We also never let each other go.

(Guess who's graduating school tomorrow?)

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