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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*

"You guys have everything you need?" Mom asked has she paced around my room, her eyes moving frantically even though we were the ones leaving. It was very early in the morning, about fifteen minutes past three, and the sun was nowhere to be seen. There was little light due to convenience stores and gas station. The birds haven't even woken up yet. Outside was colder than normal, but it didn't bother us. I slowly sipped on my tea while Felix sat on my suitcase, trying to close it. He told me to remove what was unnecessary, but I said "you're already outside of my suitcase". That then lead to a small argument (which I won, obviously) and now we're here.

"Make sure you guys stay warm - I don't want any of you coming back with a cold. Also remember to-" I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling the older woman for a hug. She went silent instantly.

"Mom, you worry too much. We'll take care of ourselves." I replied. She sighed, looking at me while caressing my cheek with her hand. Mom then stood on her toes, placing a light kiss on my temples. I returned the favor.

"Have fun and take lots a pictures, alright?" I nodded and grabbed my suitcase that was under Felix. He took his own, walking to the front door before putting on his black bubble jacket and matching colored shoes. I said my last goodbyes to my family members, punching Tatiana's shoulder before leaving the house and locking my door with my copy of the house key. Felix took my suitcase as I did that, throwing it into the taxi's trunk alongside his suitcase. He looked back up at me while he lowered the door.

"You ready?" He asked with a smirk rising. The corner of my lips curved inwards, making the same grin he had as I nodded my head.

"Let's go."


"Hello everyone and welcome to Toronto, the capital of Ontario. This is your captain speaking and we are going to need you to buckle yourselves up as we'll be landing in moments time. Please open your blinds to enjoy your sighting, put your seats up straight and thank you for flying with This Shit Is Lit Airlines."  The pilot said as I started to finish up with my breakfast, munching on the last bits of my fruit cup. The flight attendant took both Felix's and my tray before going to the people behind us. I did what the captain said and looked outside the window to see the great view of Toronto. It wasn't even that long since the overnight trip, but my God, the city was more beautiful than before. It's tallest tower took my breath away and the bright colours complemented it all. I couldn't get over how elegant Ontario's capital looked.

The plane landed, Felix and I grabbed our luggage and checked out, starting the beginning of our three day weekend. The cold, Toronto air brushed over my shoulders, making me shiver. As if nothing changed from the last time we were here, only the fact that now it's late in the afternoon. The eye catching sky that was swiftly changing from blue to orange paired with people enjoying themselves in the core of Ontario, I felt warm looking up at the tall buildings. I sighed, taking in this beautiful moment. It's rare to catch such a stunning moment like this one, I enjoyed it as much as I can.

"You have their number?" Felix broke my little monologue. I nodded, pulling out my almost dead phone. I quickly dialed in the number, and it only took three rings until they answered.

"Hello? Yeah, we're here.... Okay? No, we're outside - yeah...yeah, alright." And my phone quickly went back where it came from. Seconds after that, a black SUV pulled up in front of us, the passenger rolling down their window. There, the person wearing black sunglasses looked at Felix and I with a wide grin, tilting their glasses down. Her brown eyes smiled at me as she laughed.

"Afternoon guys!" She cheered, jumping out of the car and holding me and Felix in a tight hug. "Oh my God, it's been so long since I've last seen you! You guys have grown to be so big!" She looked back at the blonde haired boy and pinched his cheek as he smiled.

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