Chapter 65

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(Disclaimer: this chapter has some triggering words sprinkled here and there. It kinda made me uncomfortable to use bc I worry how people are going react to me using such vocabulary heh..)

"(Y/N) (L/N) to the office please." The woman over the P.A. announced, saying my last name incorrect as always. It's not even that hard to pronounce. It only took me a second to remember what I did to be called down to the office.

That incident (?) with Felix.

It still shocks me that he, someone who I thought was a pure angle, would do something so out of character of him. I'm guessing the breakup with Marzia really took a big toll on him for him to go out his way and rape someone.

Closing my locker, I was actually worried since Danielle told me not to tell anyone. But being the big mouth that I am, I simply couldn't keep such big and triggering serect all by myself; I wouldn't know how to deal with it singlehandedly. I would need assistance from older people who know better since I know fuck all. Considering I have never, nor want to be, in the same situation as Danielle, I wouldn't know how to answer certian questions, but I still want to help the poor girl no matter what.

Walking down the hallway, I finally made it to the office. Suprisingly, Danielle was sitting at the front, staring at her feet. I didn't want to bother her and opened the wooden door. I walked behind the secretary's desk, knocking on the principal's door with shakey hands. I was just uncertain and scared about everything. Who knows if Danielle could be faking it? Who knows that I just got both me and Felix into shit that could have be completely avoided?

"I did not rape her! It's not true! It's bullshit! I did not rape her!" Felix suddenly threw the water bottle that was in his hand to the side as he paced around the room, "I did not!" He looked over my way and paused for a few seconds.

"Oh hi (Y/N)." He said before taking a seat. (Ah, the references...)

"Miss. (L/N), it's good to see you. Please take a seat." The principal said and I glared at him. He was trying to talk to me as if I forgot about what I saw yesterday. I shook my head at him in disappointment.

"Anyways," he cleared his throat, "it appered that a small altercation has been brought to me for assistance. I'm sure that we all know what's going on, there's no need to act stupid. But what you did was kinda stupid; a damage you can never undo kinda stupid. An open-all-the-cages-in-the-zoo kinda stupid. Truly, you didn't think this through? Kind of stupid." The principal stood up straight, closing his hands over his big table. Felix only lowered his head in shame. So he did rape her?

"Well, I'm going based on what I heard from Danielle. She said that you touched and forced yourself onto her without her consent. Felix, I love the everliving shit out of you and I know that breakup with Marzia was something that me, you, Mark, Molly- everyone, didn't expect. But that doesn't give you the excuse to force sex on a kind girl like Danielle." His head instantly sprung up and his baby blue eyes were wide open.

"(Y/N), do you hear yourself right now?! I didn't touch her! And why would I force sex apon someone even if I just broke up with Marzia?! (Y/N), I'm your best friend. You know me! You know I wouldn't do anything like this!" He said, banging his fist on the armrest of the chair, slightly scaring me. First raping someone, then banging his fist while going off on me? I don't, nor want to know what this boy is capable of.

"Felix, calm down. (Y/N), go get Danielle." The principal ordered. As I got up, in the corner of my eye, I was the boy lower his head again and shifted a bit in his seat.

"I know you're my best friend and shit, but still. I can't defend acts like this. Shit like this is too extreme, me as your best friend can't even get behind the meaning of this." I said as waved to the girl to come. She only shook her head no, but I didn't blame her. I wouldn't want to be in the same room as someone who forced themselves onto me.

"How badly did you fuck her up, Felix? She doesn't even want to look at me," I went back inside the office and closed the door behind me.

"(Y/N), you're seriously going to believe some girl you just met, instead of me, a person you've known for an extended period of time?" He asked and I nodded my head, partly lying. Yes, I haven't known Danielle for a long time, her name pops up here and there because of all the trouble she get herself in, but still. A rape victim is still a rape victim, no matter of their past.

"I am, would you belive?" (Nogla: I have had chocolate milk, would you belive? Tyler: *laughs* I've been known to bust chocolate milk, would you belive?)

"I can change my mind if you have some sort of evidence. Do you have anything to defend yourself, Mr. Kjellberg?" I said, taking my seat.

"Yes, actually. I have a lot." He whipped out his phone from his pocekt. "When you were dancing with Sean, Danielle was intoxicated when she came up to me. I was minding my business- I was actually texting Signe to see if I could get back my Wii remote that I left at her house. Then Danielle and her drunk self came to bother me, kissing up on my neck and cheek and asking me to fuck her. She forced my hand onto her ass and boobs and asked me to dance."

"Being the kind gentleman that I am, I did danced with her, and tried to get away when we were done. Then she dragged me to her basement and try to force me into sex. That girl literally flipped the story! She tried to make me look like the bad guy! I'm telling you (Y/N), I didn't rape her!"

"Oh?" I said, I didn't have any comment because maybe, he was right. Maybe Danielle was lying about this whole altercation. But at the same time, rape isn't something to joke about. Even a simpleton knows that shit like that can't be tossed around as if it's a volleyball.

I stood up from my seat and walked towards the door, determined to find out what Danielle had to say. She did tell me a few things yesturday, but left out a few things that Felix said.

"Danielle," I said, and her head failed to look up at me. I sighed, sitting beside her. I tried to reach out for her hand, but she only pulled away, her small petite body shivering sightly beside me. Now that I'm looking at her closely, her wrist her dusted with pink marks. It wasn't too pink, as if they were from a recent altercation. (I've used that word too much now, but like, it's addicting to use. Just pronounce it. Stop what you're doing and say "altercation". Addicting ass word, amirite?)

"He held my hands o-over my head and b-bit on my neck to shut m-e up."

He did rape her...

"Danielle, please look at me." I kindly asked. I needed to inspect her more to make sure that I was correct. She shyly and slowly turned her heard to face me, brushing her hair to the side.

There were small and deep red marks on her neck.

Felix did bite her.

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