The Sharpest Wound

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


(F/n) pushed aside the one swinging door and held it briefly for Brent. She received no gratitude for the action, but she didn't expect any from him. Moving her flashlight, the metal object glinted again. Her feet carried her towards it, and as she neared it, she recognized it immediately. With a few swift steps, she was next to it.

Her fingers picked the item up. The plastic was meant to look like silver, and the cheap gem in the center made the ring look like nothing more than a poorly crafted mood ring, but it was one of Laura's favorites. They had each won one of the rings back at a town fair. That had been four years ago when they were in their freshman year of high school.

Why would it be off of her finger, though? Was she leaving it behind for someone to find her, but that didn't make sense. The place was huge, and the likelihood of someone finding it in here was slim. She had discovered it, but that was by luck.

Brent walked up beside her. His flashlight shone on the ring. "That's Laura's. She rarely takes that off." Puzzled himself, he moved the light closer. "There's no sign of blood on it. Maybe, she did purposely leave it behind, or the creature might've knocked it off somehow."

"I don't know. Something seems off about this." She looked over to him and glanced up. "You feel it too. Laura wouldn't leave this behind as a clue. It's too small. Someone could pass by it too easily. She would leave something else behind, but we do know that she was here. That's important enough."

Stepping away from her, he began to head towards the exit of the dining hall. "True, but the creature was probably here as well." His flashlight spotted something dreadful. A few feet away from the ring, there was a trail of blood. "And, I think that Laura might be in serious danger."

Fear developing, (f/n) caught up to Brent. She looked to the ring again. "Why would there be no blood on it, then? You don't think ..." A theory of what happened formed in her head, and blood drained from her face. If Laura was alive, she was probably in severe pain.

"I'm not thinking about it. Let's just find her. She probably needs some sort of medical attention, and one of us might have to distract that creature if it's chasing her still." His gaze fell to her. "You stated that it almost killed you several times. You've escaped the most from it, so I think that you have the best chance of getting away again."

Almost, she shouted at him, but she forced herself to whisper. "Are you crazy? I may have gotten away, but I'm not pushing my luck against that thing. Besides, he'll know that we're trying to distract him, and he'll still chase after whoever he wants."

An irritated sigh escaped his lips. "It's better than nothing. Just think of it as helping your friend. If we get separated, we know where to meet up."

"So, that's what it is. You want to ditch me since you'll be with Laura." A scowl crossed her lips, and she shoved the ring in her right, outer jacket pocket. She pushed him aside and headed for the door. "Fine, you're a jerk anyway." (F/n) reached the door and looked over her left shoulder. "I think that it's obvious. If the creature attacks either of us, the other isn't helping. Am I right?"

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