The Tensest Discovery

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

The creature had changed into his old clothes and had stretched his limbs after his little helper had left. He had heard her conversation with her parents, but he hadn't paid much attention to it. Rather, he had been focusing on where to sleep. Her bed had been his original plan, but that had been snuffed with the workers later on.

He had left through the window, resisting the urge to eat something before he had headed out. The creature had landed in the bush beneath her window and had noticed the dried blood on the some of the leaves and at the base of the bush. No other crimson had gotten anywhere else outside of the house since it had mainly stained his clothes. Not bothering to clean it up since it was still well hidden, he had headed into the cemetery and had picked up the locking picking gear from the one mausoleum.

Choosing a mausoleum in the oldest section of the area, he had decided to rest there for the day. Once he had the lock picked, he had made his way inside and had closed the door behind him. There had been no comfortable bed, but he had slept on stone floors in the recent and distant past.

Originally, his plan had been to sleep for the whole day, but even that had changed on him. He had forgotten that there would really only be one day with lessened security. His plan to lure them out into the woods while he had sneaked into the funeral home grounds had been a success, but the police would've figured out by the next day that he wasn't going to be at that location. They might leave some forces there, but security would increase to its regular amount at the funeral home if not more. When he had heard a voice outside of the mausoleum, he had woken up and hid.

"Why is this unlocked?" the policewoman asked quietly. She knew that Mr. and Mrs. (L/n) had placed brand new locks on all of the mausoleums, and they were supposed to be difficult to unlock without the key. Someone skilled must've broken in. The woman had heard soft footfalls inside, however, and she went on alert.

She had been hoping that she wouldn't run into anything on the grounds when she had been given the assignment since she knew that she couldn't handle the creature on her own. Maybe, it was simply a skilled robber. That she could take care of. Being extra cautious, though, she called for backup. If it was the creature, she would severely need it.

Staying outside of the building, her heart pounded. It had gone silent inside, but she didn't dare open the door. Soon, her partner and the other security forces would be at the location. If the creature was inside, the chief's hunch that the creature had found Ms. (L/n)'s home would be correct.

To be safe, she backed away from the building some and had her hands near her utility belt. If it was a robber, she would go for her taser if they weren't willing to cooperate, but if it was the creature, she would grab her gun in a heartbeat. That thing was a menace, and it needed to be dealt with.

Thankfully, it was daylight, and there were few clouds in the sky. If the thing was in there and it tried to get out, it would be met with quite an unfortunate situation for itself. Her attention turned to the sound of running footsteps and crushing snow.

"Ellice!" her partner, Lionel, called as though he had been expecting her to be dead already. After what he had seen in the tunnels, he hadn't expected the creature to be patient if he was in that structure. "Thank goodness. I was worried." She gave him an understanding nod. "You said that you heard soft footfalls inside."

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