The Richest Fun

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Sore, Lionel woke up with a pounding headache. His eyes opened slowly and didn't appreciate the harsh light shining down on them. He squinted and tried to understand where he was. The memories of the cemetery and the forest filled his mind, and he grumbled profanities under his breath. It hadn't taken the creature long to knock him out after the death of the other two guards.

Worried for Ellice, he glanced around, but he didn't see her in the small room. It looked like they were in an abandoned cabin somewhere. Torn green curtains blocked his view outside partially, but he was able to tell that they were still in the forest. Or, the creature might've taken them to the woods where the tunnels were. He didn't exactly know, but he did know that he was freezing cold.

Gazing down at himself, he found that he was stripped of everything but his white undershirt and black boxers. His hands and ankles were strapped to the chair with old, weak looking rope. He was surprised that the creature hadn't used something stronger. Even if there wasn't something like that in the cabin, Lionel didn't doubt the creature's ability to find it elsewhere, which caused him to become concerned.

Blue orbs pinned themselves to another door in the space, and it wasn't the exit. He didn't hear anything on the other side, but Ellice had to be in there. If she wasn't, she was somewhere nearby. At least, that's what he would like to hope.

Lionel forced himself to look away and focus on the ropes. He managed to get his left wrist free. The skin had broken a bit, but it was nothing serious. His free hand quickly went to work on the other bonds. Soon enough, he was free.

Carefully, he stood up as though the action was a trap in itself. Nothing happened to him, though. Steadily, he made his way over to the door, but he stopped. Soft footfalls hit his ears. Had the creature heard him? Or, had the creature known that he would escape all along? Lionel became paralyzed when the door started to open.

All of his defenses were gone. He felt like a walking piece of steak. There was practically nothing that he could do against the creature. The difference in their physical strength was almost laughable. Lionel forced his body to move, however, and he stepped back towards the chair. His hands gripped it even though it was a useless item against the creature.

His eyes looked into the next room, and little to no light entered it. He could see boards on the windows. More importantly, he spotted Ellice in the middle of the room. She was unconscious, and she had been stripped of all of her belongings too.

Poking out from behind the door, the creature grinned. "Aren't you coming in? You wanted to get to your partner, right?" The creature lifted its human-looking hand. "She's right over there. You should go to her." It giggled and pulled the door back more. "Partners are important after all."

Not moving, he scowled at the thing. "Like you would know." The creature was about to reply, but he cut it off. "Now, where are we?" Several giggles left it before it smirked towards him. Lionel had managed to keep his voice severe and not stutter, but that didn't affect the thing at all. Instead, it looked like it was about to enter a laughing fit.

"That's a rather stupid question." Multiple giggles escaped the thing. "Why would I tell you that? We're somewhere, and you're partner is in front of you. She needs your help. Go to her; I insist." Its voice had dropped to a lower tone towards the end, and it chilled him. Even though he didn't want to, his feet moved out of pure fear.

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