The Deafest Syllables

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A/N: As usual, I recommend putting the video on loop.


Before the creature drifted off to sleep, he rewrapped the bandages on her shoulders for the meantime and helped her put her shirt back on. Afterwards, he drifted off into sleep. (F/n) made sure, however, that his arms weren't wrapped around her again even though the creature attempted it. Steadily, she turned and draped her feet over the side of the bed.

Once on her feet, she walked across the cabin floor, but she had pink socks on to lessen the cold feeling. Reaching the room door, she opened it quietly by a bit more. She rested her hands on the doorframe and peeked out. Haley's back was turned towards her, and the younger teen's head was slumped over. The fire crackled with life, and a spark flew up against the old, metal fire screen.

(F/n) would've checked the unconscious girl for a cell phone if she didn't already know that the creature had disposed of the device long before they had come to the cabin. It had been crushed and tossed away back in the town. On one of the days and when the creature had been sleeping, she had even searched the supply bags for her phone, but she had no luck. She could search the creature, but he had only fallen asleep minutes ago. He would wake up too easily and probably pretend to sleep while he watched what she was up to.

She would wait a little longer before she checked him. (F/n) didn't wish to end up as a body pillow for him. Removing her hands from the doorframe, she cautiously stepped out into the main room and towards the boots by the front door. If Haley woke up, she wouldn't be silent, and she would wake up the creature.

Still, Haley's present state was unsettling. The younger teen's hair was a complete and utter mess. Dried blood rested in some of her brown hair, but its shortness kept it from getting covered in vomit. Her jacket was removed, washed and hung by the door for the older teen's use. (F/n) didn't complain since she didn't want to head outside without more protection from the cold.

Haley rarely went outside anyway except for an occasional bathroom requirement, and it was noticeable. (F/n) was happy that she didn't have to view the front of Haley. The younger teen's face was a collection of bruises, chapped lips and dried blood. According to the creature, some of the confidence in Haley had completely faded, but (f/n) didn't think that she would ever spill the details of the plan.

Picking up the boots, (f/n) walked towards the chair. Thankfully, the creature kept it clean. She seated herself and worked on the first boot. (F/n) did have to bend some, and that caused her shoulders to ache, but she refused to get the creature back up. The older teen enjoyed her moments outside alone, and she required the privacy too at times.

As she placed on the second boot, she paused. Haley had shifted. A light groan left the girl. (F/n) remained completely silent and held her breath. The younger teen lifted her head more before another groan left her. Mentally, (f/n) cursed. Coughing followed, and Haley spat to her right. Crimson expelled from her mouth, and she moved a bit in the chair, but it was obvious that every motion hurt her.

Carefully, (f/n) tied up the boot. Haley mumbled something inaudible, and her head hung again. A sob escaped the younger's throat. Another spark hit the fire screen, and Haley glanced over that way weakly. Her attention stopped, however, when she heard the creak of a chair. (F/n) froze. "B-b-back alr-already?" she coughed out, hate in every syllable. No answer came to her, and she bitterly chuckled. "Oh, so i-it's y-y-you. It-its f*cking lo-lover."

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