The Sourest Hang-up

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

There was a pause on the other line, and (f/n) gulped. If her presumption was right, she would have a trail to follow. She might find a weakness of the creature's that wasn't her. Vincent held out his right hand to her left, and she took it. He helped her climb down some steep rocks, and she had to avert her focus to that momentarily.

She hopped down, and they continued down the mountain. A sigh sounded, and a chair creaked. "No one had been able to obtain a clear identification of him; however, he had been wearing all black clothing. A hood had covered his head too, and his left hand always had seemed to be in one of his pockets." (F/n)'s heart paused, and her mind stopped. Her theory was proving to be truer. "According to one account, someone had seen a few long strands of nearly white hair, but the man had quickly hid them back in his hood. A glove had been covering his right hand at that time."

"Then, it's possible," she muttered too softly for Nick to hear.


"It's possible." Her words halted, and she exhaled lightly. "It's possible that those two had been the creature's parents, right? You had mentioned that her father had disappeared a year later, but had it been exactly a year?"

"Well, no, and I had come up with a similar theory." Nick took a moment to catch his own breath. "When her father had vanished, it had been ten months since Jiselle and that man had gone missing. We could both be wrong, however. The creature might not age like us. Jiselle could've been a past lover of his, and she might've been forced or deceived into that roll before it had moved on. We can't be certain."

"What's the name of the ghost town?"

"What? Are you actually thinking of going there?"

"Yes, something to kill the creature might be there. I need to learn more, and I need to find that cabin. It's close to the town after all." Her voice grew desperate again. "Please, tell me. After that, you can hang up, pack and move far away. I won't bother you again."

A pained and puzzled laugh escaped him. "I think that you're more of paranormal investigator than I am." She smiled slightly. "It's Dunnuuna. From your town, it's going to take you about thirty-two hours of heading northwest, but you'll have to drive there without really stopping much. Then again, you wouldn't want to due to the creature."

"Thank you, Nick. Really." (F/n) didn't know how she would manage to find a car, but she would figure it out and reach that town. "Is there anything else that you had managed to find?"

"Well ... yes." Her silence pressed him to continue. "I didn't only research old missing persons' reports and such. I had looked into myths, tales, etc. to see if there had been something like the creature in any of them, and I had happened to come across a certain page. It's not ... Well, it's ..."

"Nick, please just tell me."

"It won't help you against that thing, (f/n). If anything, it'll only slow you down."

"Nick." Her voice was stern, and impatience began to eat at her again. Terror crept through her veins too, and her mind developed dreadful stories. (F/n)'s stomach turned. Nick didn't have to say anything more for her to understand that the information would chill her to the core, but she didn't desire to remain ignorant of it.

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