The Chattiest Cleaning

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Most of her focus was on the cup of water in her hands. Her hands wrapped around the item and enjoyed the warmth that it gave off. She only wished that the creature hadn't been the one to have made it for her. It was still too hot to drink, so she didn't have to worry about calling him over so that she could partake of a sip.

After their conversation outside, they hadn't talked. The creature seemed his usual demented, cheery self, though, and he continued about the room and cleaned up the mess that Haley had left. If he started to whistle, it wouldn't shock her. (F/n), however, was recovering from it all. Her energy had been spent, and her healing wounds weren't helping her state of exhaustion. Thankfully, her shoulder bleed had seemed to stop, and there was only a little bit of dried blood on the bandages there.

Her eyes followed the steam coming off of the water, but her mind shifted its focus on the creature's last words. In the end, she truly wouldn't gain full peace, only some. That caused her heart to ache, but it was true. They really did have a dreadful bond. Even in death, it wouldn't break. What made matters worse was the fact that the creature reveled in that knowledge.

(F/n)'s lips parted, and a sigh left them. Her attention shifted to her lips, but no warmth greeted her cheeks. Once again, he had kissed her. She would've enjoyed that ... caring kiss if he had been someone else, someone that she returned feelings for, but he wasn't, yet he was unfortunately the only one that she had at the moment. Her fist ached to punch him again, but she was too tired to perform the action.

Probably, though, no one could compare to how much he was obsessed with her and in love with her. She accepted that likely truth, but she refused to surrender to him. If she did, she would be betraying her parents and Laura. Not only that but also she would be disloyal to herself. (F/n) would be his murderer and nothing more. To him, that may be intimate, but she only found the job to be awful.

Such a responsibility weighed heavily on her shoulders, and temptation nagged at her. It tickled her skin, waiting to find the right place to pierce her flesh and sink into her bloodstream. To fall into it would be easy. She had no one else at the moment but the creature. The memory of his gentle wiping of her tears and soft kiss boomed in her mind. Those actions invited her to look at the creature in another way.

There was even the fact that he didn't hide from the truth. He admitted to his wrong acts. The creature wasn't afraid of seeming like a monstrosity to others. Rather, he utilized that to his benefit. Her own words, which she had meant to be harmful, had been turned against her and had ensnared her in a terrible bond.

"What had you been looking for?" At first, she didn't register that the creature had spoken to her. Her mind was too deep in thought. It wasn't until his mopping stopped that she looked up to him. She didn't stare down to the mop or the ground. No more blood needed to greet her eyes presently.

"Wh-what?" she questioned, seeming to have just woken up from a long slumber.

"Before you had come outside, you had been moving around. If you hadn't been planning an escape, what had you been looking for?" Before she could answer, he went back to mopping. Her words were cut off again. "Had it been your phone?"

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