The Biggest Resistance

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

"Please, Haley. You need to stop this." (F/n)'s free hand tightened around the counter while Haley remained in the doorway. "We can still work out our plan. Please, I only want to kill the creature."

"Stop it, just stop saying please. I'm not going to listen to your begging. You're its partner. Admit to it already." Haley stepped closer, but the older teen remained where she was.

"I'm not its partner! I was forced to give him shelter so that he wouldn't kill my parents! I already lost my best friend, Haley; I couldn't and can't afford to lose anyone else close to me. You have no idea what h*ll I've been going through." Haley walked forward more. The knife would be at her throat in a few more steps. "I already feel guilty about Laura's death. H*ll, I even feel guilty about that jerk Brent's death, or at least my mind seems to anyway.

"And, this mark on my hand," she released her grip on the counter and pointed to the stitches, "he bit me without my permission. I haven't been feeding him willingly. So, stop accusing me of being his partner! I never will be!"

Haley stood still and didn't lower the knife. "Then, why haven't you killed him?"

"What?" (f/n) asked in disbelief. "Are you kidding me?!" The rage didn't die in the younger teen's gaze, but (f/n) couldn't hold back. Haley's question was simply too ridiculous. "I can't just walk up to him and stab a knife in his back, Haley. You know that! He has taken out countless armed forces on his own. He's highly aware of his surroundings, and he heals at an alarming rate. That's why I needed the sedatives! That's why I still need your help! Ple ... Understand this!"

"I understand that he's powerful and a menace." She relaxed her hold on the knife, and she let out a sigh. "I had understood your plan, and I had given you my trust. But, you still betrayed me. You had known about Dean's death before I had. You've been with the creature longer than this morning. Why can't you just tell me where Dean is? I deserve that much, but you're too scared to tell me because all of your secrets will come out into the open. You keep forgetting that I already know them."

"Just put down the knife, Haley. We can still work this out."

A bitter chuckle left the younger teen. "No, we can't. If you live, the creature won't be weakened. More will only die, but you're the one who should die." Another chuckle left her. "None of us should've been happy about you escaping those tunnels. No one should've listened to you when you told everyone about the creature's weakness. By you escaping the tunnels, you've brought the creature out with you and sent this entire town into a nightmare.

"If you cared for Laura so much, you should've died down there with her. All five of you should've died, and this town would still be safe. Dean would still be safe, but you just had to live. If you had died, your parents would've never been involved either." Haley raised the knife again.

Tears started to form in the corners of (f/n)'s eyes, and she shouted, "It's not wrong to want to live, Haley! Do I regret leaving Laura's body behind? Yes, I do. I hated having to see her in such a state, but I had known that I still had a chance to live. I had warned her about going into the tunnels, but I still had gone in after her because she was my friend. I had done all that I could for her, and I couldn't save her. I can save my parents now, though, and I'm not going to let you ruin that! I've sacrificed too much already."

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