The Craftiest Creation

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


"This isn't good. Sh*t, sh*t," Nick continued to curse, the panic clearly rising in his voice.

(F/n) couldn't offer anything reassuring because her mind wasn't much better, but she only had so many coins to keep the phone running. Forcing herself to calm down, she managed to ask without a stutter, "What did you tell him? What did he say to you?"

Nick stopped and caught his breath. "It pretended to be you obviously, and I didn't know because it didn't call. It didn't help that it gave a good impression of you." A frustrated and terrified groan left him. "But, the important part is that it wanted me to come over and talk to me. I have a feeling that it didn't have a simple conversation in my mind."

"Yeah, that's doubtful." (F/n) tried to piece the puzzle together, but she didn't know why the creature would contact him all of a sudden. It didn't make sense. He hadn't texted Nick at all beforehand. "What time and day did he ask you to come?"

"Tomorrow." There was a pause, and it sounded like he mumbled something to himself. He was probably still wishing to panic. "The time was at ten in the morning at the gas station ten minutes out of town."

Thankfully, she hadn't gone to that one, but she wondered how the creature was planning on meeting Nick out in the open. There weren't too many people there, but he would still be seen. "Well, I think that we both agree that you need to cancel. Text him back later that something came up, and you can't cancel that appointment. Set the date much later if you can."

"And if it comes after me? I don't want a repeat of the tunnels. I don't think that I can do that again. I don't even know how you're surviving through all of the stuff that you still have to deal with." She heard a few more swear words on his end. "Why can't it just leave us alone?"

Sighing, (f/n) answered softly, "I'm not sure." She knew why it had followed her, but she couldn't disclose that to Nick. He'd probably hang up the instant that she revealed her secret deal. "But, you have to try and convince him to let you go tomorrow. Just keep acting like it's me, and he shouldn't suspect anything odd."

"Right. I sure hope that's the case." A light chuckle left him. "At least, you called me. Or, I'd be dead tomorrow for sure."

"I'm glad that I called you too because I need to ask you to do something."

Again, there was a pause. He was probably tempted to end the call, but she could hear him breathing. She put in a few more coins. "... What is it?"

"I need information. You've dealt with the paranormal before, so you should know where to start looking. You probably did research before you entered the tunnels, but I want you to investigate again. The creature's known kills have only been happening for six years, but there must've been cases before that. Even look up missing persons reports. Anything that might seem like it could be connected to him. You don't need to have any contact with the creature."

"(F/n), that's ..."

"Please. I really need your help. I can't stop him on my own. I want him dead, Nick. Don't you want that too? We can finally put what happened in the tunnels behind us once he's dead."

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