The Peskiest Chocolate

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Two more weeks had passed, and (F/n) had healed mostly. All of her stitches had been removed, and she had been able to properly lift things again. No longer had she needed help with eating or drinking, though; the creature had offered on multiple accounts. He only had received a scowl, and he had returned a giggle or two.

(F/n), though, had been growing more and more anxious with each day. She had wanted to return home or to have the creature at least check on the situation back in the town. Being cooped up in the cabin had become tiresome, and the creature had made it worse. It had disturbed her too that she had grown accustomed to sleeping on the bed with him at the same time.

Often, she had awoken in the morning hours to find him cuddled up next to her. His nails always had been too close for comfort, and on a few occasions, they almost had sliced open a section of her skin. She had shaken the creature awake in those instances, and after some of his teasing, he had released her.

Another reason that had created a more awful situation had been the fact that the creature had been attempting to get closer to her. Besides the snuggling, he had given her unwanted kisses goodnight, on the lips or cheeks, and forced hugs. Every kiss had been gentle, but that hadn't made them anymore desirable.

Right now, however, she had managed to convince the creature to examine the town since three weeks had gone by since the incident with Haley. He wasn't sure what he would find there since neither of them was positive on the townsfolks' reaction to the whole thing. Annoyingly, though, he hadn't departed yet. Instead, he was sitting across from her with a smug smirk on his lips.

The creature had discovered the bag of trail mix that she had hid under some loose floorboards. He must've found it when she had been asleep. Nonetheless, it irritated her. All of her food had been depleted, minus the trail mix, after two weeks of their stay at the cabin. For the past week, he had been hunting for her, and she had cooked the meat after he had skinned it.

Meat and water hadn't been exactly the most varied meal plan in the world, but she hadn't complained. At least, she hadn't been forced to eat Haley or Dean. The thought caused her to shiver. She hadn't touched the trail mix, though, because of the memory of the tunnels. That stale taste of nuts, fruit and chocolate lingered on her tongue from the recollection, and she recalled the creature having cut her lips to rid the smell of it from them.

Darker scenes had played in her mind too, and it all around was a horrid item to look upon, but the creature refused to hunt for her again until she consumed every morsel of the package. He also dismissed the idea of heading into town before she ate all of it. A heavy frown coated her lips, and she crossed her arms.

"I can stay here all day, (f/n). It doesn't bother me. You're my dessert after all." He leaned forward in his chair and rested his chin in the palm of his right hand. She directed her scowl to him, but he merely giggled in response. "It can't be that bad. Besides, it would be better to get rid of it sooner than later. Then, you can forget about it again."

"I'd rather throw it out," she hissed back. "And, aren't you the one who hates the smell of this on my lips?" She couldn't help but point to him slightly.

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