The Pinkest Touch

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

His lips stayed on her delicate flesh, and his eyes remained shut. Her supple skin was warm to the touch, but he felt the cold's tendrils digging into it too. The chill retreated, however, as his lips stayed on hers. He transferred warmth to her in a soothing manner, and he wouldn't let her gaze ruin his concentration; he had to determine the truth.

The simple action to others might only appear as a base way to force pleasure onto himself, but that wasn't the case at all. He had to feel some part of her that was intimate to understand his previous decisions. There were other places where he could've touched, but those wouldn't have given as perfect as a result. His intention was to be as caring as possible.

She was fragile, and her petals could fall off easily. He had to be caressing as possible. Even the tips of his nails touched her skin lightly. Every part of his action wasn't to elicit fear. The creature didn't know how his partner was reacting, but that wasn't important. Her feelings had been brought to light to him, but his own were in question.

A slight struggle occurred under him. She required air. He did too. Steadily, he pulled back. Air filled his lungs, but he didn't open his eyes. Gradually, a smile tugged at his lips. The creature continued to hover over her form before he pushed himself up and away. Sitting straight up, he rested his hands on the bed. Her breathing sounded in the background, but he didn't dare look upon her.

Lingering on his lips, the sensation of the kiss entered the passageways of his mind. It truly felt like petals falling upon his skin. He pictured the pink carnation. His smile kept up its appearance. The flower had looked lovely in her hair. Its beauty suited her better than the dead.

Steadily, his nails trailed up to his lips. They touched the surface. He traced his smile before his nails fell back to the middle of the smooth flesh. His eyes opened, and his gaze shifted to her form but not to her face. The blanket covered her. She shivered slightly under it. Her action was either from terror, the cold or both, but he didn't check.

Bandages lied under the cover as did her limbs. His nails traced along her form. Something escaped her lips, but he didn't pay it any mind. Rather, his nails traveled from her left thigh to her shoulders. The wrappings peeked out from the plush fabric. Dried blood decorated them. Red suited her too but not in excess. That he had learned from earlier in the day.

Palm resting over her heart, it felt the beating of her heart. It was a melodic sound. She attempted to move away, but her wounds prevented her from doing so. More words left her, but they fell deaf upon his ears. For a little while longer, he listened to and felt the soothing beats. Her heart continued to live because of him. His smile grew by a fraction.

Eyes meeting her lips once more, he stared upon them with fondness. He had just kissed those lips, and the effect was lasting. The memory made his heart beat faster for a brief moment. A door cracked open. Warmth embraced him. That wouldn't have been possible if she had died, but he had saved her. She was breathing because of him.

Not meeting her gaze, he asked, "Are you thankful that you're alive?" Her answer greeted his ears with hesitation. Most of her words vanished before they made impact, but he distinguished one. Yes. That was all that he needed to hear. She was grateful to be alive, and he was the reason for her life being intact.

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