The Quickest Means

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Hands on the steering wheel, Vincent struggled not to look back at (f/n), but his eyes eventually stared to his rear-view mirror. He saw her form turn around and head west. His hands tightened around the wheel, and part of him was tempted to head back.

He had seen the fearful expressions that had graced her face when she had been on his phone, but he hadn't pestered her about telling him the exact details. Vincent was glad that she had abstained from disclosing the information. Still, though, he did worry about her wellbeing, but he had his own family to keep safe.

The man hoped that the cash would be helpful enough, but he was tempted to call the police and guide them to the cabin. That way, the creature would be caught off guard, but he recalled overhearing from (f/n) that calling them would only worsen things for her. Contacting them would create a scene, and the creature would draw his attention back to the cabin if he wasn't already back there.

There was also the fact that he probably wouldn't be able to remain anonymous forever even if he reported it in as an anonymous caller. Most likely, his report wouldn't even be taken seriously unless he gave more specific details, which would draw more attention towards himself. That could lead the creature right to him, and he didn't wish to face such a gruesome death. He was lucky that he was still alive.

Moving his eyes from the mirror, he stared forward again. Maybe, he should've given her a better goodbye, but his nerves had caused him to rush. Again, he felt guilt tug at him. It urged him to turn back and at least drive her to the gas station. He gripped the steering wheel harder and released a slow sigh to steady his thoughts.

No guilt should be in his system. He had fulfilled his end of the bargain, and he had given her cash to help her out. She even understood that he had his family and their safety to be mindful of. (F/n) would be grateful if he helped her out more, but she wouldn't despise if he didn't.

Steeling himself, he continued to drive. He gave one last look to the mirror. Her form continued to walk in the opposite direction, but it looked like she was beginning to jog. A pained smile touched his lips. "Good luck, kid," he mumbled to himself before he made a right turn. No longer could she be seen in his mirror, and he focused back on the road.

After she had turned from his truck, she had started out walking, but she eventually had forced her legs to carry her at a jogging pace. (F/n) refused to slow down. At any moment, the creature could be on her tail, and she was lucky to be out of the mountains. Not once did she look behind her. Vincent had helped her enough, and she only hoped that he would never encounter the creature.

With no company to focus on, though, her mind attempted to bring up negative thoughts. Terror crept along her skin and wished to strike in multiple points. (F/n) pushed such things away. She didn't have time to concern herself with that now. What she needed to think about was how to reach Dunnuuna.

She had no means of transportation but her feet. There was hitchhiking, but she hadn't seen any other cars on the road so far. At the gas station, she could ask the cashier for a ride, but she doubted that the person would leave their work to help out a stranger for about a thirty-two hour drive. Maybe, she could steal a car, but that would only draw attention to herself. (F/n) couldn't have that.

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