The Riskiest Wheels

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

The cashier had finished ringing up her items, and (f/n) handed her the hundred. Almost, the cashier gave her an odd look, or it might've been frustration that she would have to split up the bill. (F/n) probably was spared any verbal complaint, though, due to her situation; however, she wondered if the cashier woman would even have enough change to break the bill.

Hoping that she did, (f/n) returned her attention to the mother. She was hesitant to give out the ghost town's name, but she didn't know any other cities or towns in the region she was going to. Nick only had told her to head northwest and that it would take thirty-two hours from her town. Before he had hung up, she probably should've asked for better directions.

"Well, I've been taking a vacation so that I'm able to hike in less explored and unusual areas." She chuckled as though it was the silliest idea in the world. (F/n) retrieved her change from the cashier woman and put it away into her jacket pocket. The woman handed her the bag of items and her coffee. After she thanked her, she took a careful sip of her coffee and stepped aside for the mother, who was waiting for a further explanation.

After she swallowed, she wrapped her hands around the cup gingerly. Her eyes didn't meet the mother or the cashier's. They stayed focused on the cup. "My next destination is an area near ... near a ghost town." Both the women paused and stared back to her. She met their stares and held up her right hand before she waved it as if she was apologizing. "So, I understand if you don't want to take me, and it's a long drive from here."

Both looked as though they shared a dire secret, and the cashier finished the mother's order. The mother was the first to speak. "Well, that ... is unexpected." She chuckled nervously. "I've never cared for anything dealing with ghosts, and I don't really want my children involved with that kind of thing either." Hesitation crossed her eyes. "What's the name of the town?"

Sharing her reluctance, (f/n) responded, "... Dunnuuna."

"I've never ..."

Breaking into the conversation, the cashier leaned forward on the counter and chirped in. "Ah! I've heard about that town. People had left after that what had happened to that old man." The mother looked over to the woman and raised a curious, scared brow. A grin spread across the cashier's lips, and that whole idea of them hiding a secret together shattered. They couldn't appear more different than in that moment. "Do you really want to know?"

(F/n) observed the scene and wished that she could take the situation so lightly. It was as though she was watching two kids tell ghost stories to each other. If only the creature merely was a myth. She partook of another sip of her coffee and relished the warmth that coursed through her body afterwards.

"... Yes." The mother grew more nervous, and the cashier woman bagged her items before she passed the bag to the customer. Her right hand trembled as she took her purchased goods. She clutched them to her chest almost.

"I'll spare you all of the details, but blood had been found everywhere. Some of the man's limbs had even been scattered around the house, but they had never found all of his body. No one had been able to declare him dead because nothing vital for living had been found." The cashier leaned across the counter and appeared as though she was a snake about to bite. "They say that he had gone after his daughter, who had disappeared the year before. Her body hadn't been discovered either, nor had the strange man that she had been seen with before her vanishing."

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