The Wintriest Shelter

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


A week had passed since Haley had attacked (f/n), and it had been dreadful. (F/n) had known that Haley had been experiencing a worse week than her, and she had seen the bruises and weakening condition of the younger teen. She had even heard her screams, cries and begging on most of the days since her body had no longer been sleeping for a long duration. What had caused those incidents to be even more dreadful had pertained to the fact that she hadn't been able to cover her ears.

Over the days, the older teen had established the ability to raise her arms more and more but not to the point where her hands had been able to go over her shoulders. Even lifting them to her chest level had been still painful. Thankfully, though, she had started to walk again on the third day of her recovery.

Before that, it had been a nightmare since the creature had needed to lend his aid in every basic task. She had never felt so humiliated and exposed in her life. (F/n) had managed to convince him not to give her a bath, but he had insisted on scrubbing her arms and legs with clean fabric, soap and heated up water. To that, she hadn't denied him since she hadn't wished to smell awful for her entire stay in the cabin, though; she had wished that she had known how long that would be.

Even with her body having healed some, the creature had been required to change her bandages still. Never had she grown accustomed to him wrapping clean bandages around her chest. He had been respectful and hadn't glanced at it, but his hands had glided across her sensitive flesh. At that, she hadn't been able to quell heat rising to her cheeks. Even if she hadn't liked him anymore than she had in the past, her body annoyingly had reacted to his touch in a displeasing fashion.

Every moment of that week, she had hated. She had suspected that the creature was experiencing the best week of his life, but she hadn't bothered to ask. He would've probably added more twisted remarks to the situation.

Right now, though, it was one of the quieter moments in the cabin. (F/n) sat up on the bed, and early morning light shone through the gaps in the boards. She leaned back against the headboard, and she didn't shift her position too much lest the wood scrape against the healing cuts on her back. Her (e/c) eyes stared over the room as she enjoyed the silence.

To her right, an empty laundry bucket rested. Drying bandages lied over it. Two packs and a bag were nearby and were filled with their supplies. The door was ajar, and warmth from the fire crept in. Her gaze shifted forward. Clothes were hanging over the wooden end of the bed and drying.

Even if she didn't desire to admit it, she was grateful for the creature cleaning everything. He made sure that they weren't staying in a mess minus Haley's condition. The younger teen's only luxury was that she sat next to the fire. It had been embarrassing to (f/n), though, when he had washed her underwear for the first time, but she had seen that he hadn't really spared a glance at them.

His response, though, to her watchful gaze had unnerved her completely. "I'm much more interested in your skin than the cloth on you, (f/n). This isn't even red or pink." Memory of his words sent another chill up her spine. Never would she let him take things that far.

A hand draped over her thighs, and she tensed. The creature moved his head onto her lap. She wished to push him off, but she didn't want to wake him up either. He most likely wasn't in a deep sleep either. That probably was even more of the case since he had only fallen asleep about twenty minutes ago. Their present position made her wish for there to be two beds in the room.

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