The Readiest Narration

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. Also, the next two chapters plus an epilogue will be the final chapters of the story. So, thank you to all of you for the support through reading, favorites and comments. All of them mean a lot, and I hope that all of you enjoy the last chapters of the story^-^.


Before she could even speak, he knew her answer and cut her off. "Of course, you want the first option. If you didn't, I'd have to wonder what had happened in my absence." He giggled and backed away from her before he turned to face his father's remains. The creature leaned on the back of the chair, and he let out a small sigh. "Where should I start? You already understand what had occurred here, and Nick already has told you about my other kills, right?"

She relaxed only a little, but her eyes glanced around the room subtly to find something to kill him with. There were plenty of items, but he was far too aware. Her mind desired to let panic consume it, but she forced herself to remain somewhat calm; however, her eyes betrayed her. Another giggle hit her ears. "(F/n), you may want to hear everything before you try anything. I think that there are some details that might change your mind."

Her eyes snapped to him. His chin was in the palm of his left hand, and a smirk was plastered on his lips. She wanted to throw him into the fire. With his healing abilities, though, that might not be enough. "Fine." Reluctantly, she seated herself and made sure that the blanket covered her well. (F/n) broke her gaze with him to appear all the more compliant. "And, yes. Nick had told me about the other murders. And, you've now confirmed that Jiselle Qataap and her boyfriend had been your parents."

"My mother had such a lovely name. I only wish that I knew my father's name also." He released a sigh, and his nails clicked against the top of the chair. His pale orbs met her (e/c) ones. "But, I've learned to accept that I'll never know them. Besides, I have you now, and I know your name. That's quite a win."

"I still don't understand." He raised an eyebrow at her. "How had your grandfather been able to kill your father? Your species seems almost impossible for a human to kill."

"Come now." He giggled and shook his head. "You know that it isn't, though. You're attempting to kill me after all. There are ways. I'm sure that you've been waiting for me to be in a vulnerable enough position." His head indicated to the fireplace. "My grandfather had shown up at the right time. I don't know how, but he somehow had known to show up on my birthday. A baby makes a parent quite an easy target."

His eyes narrowed and stared at the dancing flames. "My grandfather had entered the home when my father had been saying his goodbyes to my mother and getting her ready for burial. I had been asleep at the time in my crib, which my grandfather had later disposed of for that cage. My grandfather had found me and had proceeded to threaten my father. My father had cut off his own head so that I would be spared from a similar fate.

"As unlikely as it seems, my grandfather had kept up his end of the bargain, but he had made my life a living h*ll until I had killed him. And, I've already told you the details about this lovely room." Venom dripped from his voice towards the end before he giggled in a high-pitched manner. "And that, my pink flower, is how a human had been able to kill one of my species."

A typical grin soon covered his lips. "Has that given you any ideas?" Despite his smile, she noted the threatening look in his eyes.

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