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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Bright rays of morning light shone through the bedroom window. (F/n) moaned a bit in discomfort at the newfound light and shoved her head in her pillow. "(F/n), you should get up. It's past noon already," her father's voice called out to her. "I can't keep these ginger cookies warm forever." Almost instantly, her nose sniffed at the air, and her eyes opened a bit.

"Coming," she groaned out, and she heard an amused chuckle from the other side of the door. She rolled onto her back before she sat up and rubbed her eyes. A yawn escaped her lips, and she stretched her arms soon after. Blinking the rest of the sleep out of her eyes, she left her bed and slipped on her slippers.

Dragging her feet across the room, she sent a small glare at the sunlight before she opened her door. It creaked open. The smell of ginger hit her nose pleasantly, and she grinned tiredly. (F/n) stepped out, but she never reached the kitchen.

A loud knock erupted through her house, and her eyes burst open. Rushing water greeted her ears, and her hair was plastered to her face. The water was no longer warm but cold. "(F/n), I've given you enough time. Come out for dessert." She heard a giggle. "Or, do I have to come in there and fetch you? Or, maybe, I should join you?"

Hanging her head, she wiped her hands across her face and pushed her wet hair back. Reluctantly, she turned off the shower faucet as she adjusted her eyes to the artificial light in the bathroom. "Just wait," she practically growled out. She received a giggle in return, and she rolled her eyes. A frown rested on her lips, and she wanted to cry, but the creature would enter if she didn't hurry. Then, she would probably get a worse bite taken out of her.

Gradually, she left the shower. Her left hand supported her against the wall since her whole body felt exhausted. She never quite had recovered from what had happened at the cabin. The creature had made sure of that. Long nail marks were all over her, and bruises covered her body from him having to hold her down constantly during that day. Eventually, he had knocked her out after he had his fill of dessert and payment, and she had woken up in her bed at her home. That had been a week ago.

Over the course of that week, a schedule had been formed, and it had favored the creature. Like the creature, she had adopted being active at night and sleeping during the day. The first few days had been awful, and she had looked like she was half-dead, not that the creature minded. No, he just had been proud of how well she was keeping to her new routine.

Her parents hadn't a say in the matter, nor did she. The creature had been and was in control of their lives, and she had been allowed barely any time to think on a plan to kill him. That was probably why he had been so strict about her maintaining her new schedule. Fortunately, her parents had offered her continual support in the form of hugs and long, caring conversations. (F/n) had given up some of her sleep for those since her parents hadn't changed their routines since they still had the funeral home to run.

Whether the creature had been aware of those meetings or not, she didn't know. The teen had her suspicions, though, and she hoped that he wouldn't stop them. She needed that time away from him. Even in sleep, she hadn't been away from him. They now had shared a bed, her bed to be exact. Thankfully, his grip on her had loosened at times, which had permitted her quietly to sneak away, but she hadn't dared to try and kill him.

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