The Greatest Appetite

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Puffs of white fluff rose into the air as her attempt at a mad dash failed miserably. With a face full of snow, she steadily managed to push herself up onto her knees, but that maneuver wasn't fast enough. The wrought iron gate opened, and the creature had full access to her. She didn't look back, though; she was tempted. (F/n) got back onto her feet and reached for the nearest tree, but she had lost the rock due to the fall.

Her hands grabbed the lowest branch, and she lifted herself up. The sound of the air being ripped through was right beneath her, and her (e/c) eyes caught sight of sharp nails flying past. Not waiting around to see if it could climb, she went higher. Only when she was several branches up did she peer back down.

It seemed as though her heart stopped when she met the gaze of the creature. When she heard it beat again, it was pumping itself on the fuel of fear. The cold around her felt sharper as though it had penetrated her skin and mixed with her bloodstream. Eyes so pale that one could barely distinguish the faint amount of blue pigment in their irises stared back at her. Even their pupil was an extremely pale grey. They appeared like they would turn into wisps of smoke and wrap her in the claws of death's embrace.

Needing to look away, she found herself looking to the creature's left hand. Long and thick nails draped down from their fingers. Flecks of red painted them and traveled some distance up their long arm. Their other arm was just as lengthy, but their hand lacked the murderous blades. They finally turned around, much to her relief, and headed back inside of the tunnels. Before they disappeared back into the darkness, they peered over their right shoulder and displayed a row of human teeth. Crimson decorated a few of them. That smile only increased her horror tenfold. In that one look, the creature had made it quite clear that she would be killed by its hands.

The creature vanished back into the terrifying tunnels, but the gate remained open. Laura was still in there, but she could get back out now. (F/n) was incredibly eager to get down from the tree and make a run back for her car. She could wait for Laura there, but her friend could be cornered and need assistance. Then again, Laura had run off without really saying anything. Yes, she had to get away from the creature, and now the gate was back open, but she wondered if Laura would leave her behind like that again. She cared for her friend, but she wished to live as well. Her own survival instinct was beginning to kick in.

Deciding to not enter that place, she resolved that she would wait by the tree she was in. If she went in, the creature might lock her in as well. She would be handing herself over on a silver platter to that thing. She lowered herself down from the tree but kept close to the trunk. There was no need to go a step closer.

Hands trembling and cold, she placed them under her armpits. Her breath fanned out into the air, and, for a second, she thought that the tunnels might be warmer. The idea instantly evaporated, though, from the fear still coursing through her veins. She reminded herself that her car had heat.

As she was about to lean her head against the trunk of the tree, her attention snapped back to the tunnels. There, in the doorway, stood the creature again. Its long nails tapped against the doorway. Its right index finger indicated for her to come inside. She reached for the tree to climb it again, but the creature didn't walk this time.

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