The Gravest Decision

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Withdrawing his hand, he remained quiet for a brief time. Steadily, his lips curled up into a grin. "Is that all?" Several giggles left him. He turned his back to her and continued to laugh. The creature walked over to the coffin before he leaned against it.

Her face turned into an expression of puzzlement. Fright remained, but she didn't know what he was getting at. Was her statement that childish to say? It had taken immense courage for her to utter those words directly to his face. "What do you mean?" she asked quietly, fearful of the answer.

Completely amused, he rested his hands on the back of the coffin. "Honestly, I wouldn't expect less. I murdered your friend and left a gruesome surprise for you. I also probably gave you nightmares for the rest of your life and am still terrorizing you." Another giggle left him. "If you didn't despise me, I would seriously wonder what's wrong with you." His grin turned into a wistful smile. "I wouldn't mind you bowing at my feet and singing praise to me. It would certainly make this whole arrangement easier, but I seriously doubt you doing that."

Disgust wrote itself on her face. "Who ..."

Cutting her off, he giggled, and his grin returned. "I know; it does sound crazy, but some have. They would betray their teammates and say how amazing a creature I was. H*ll, some of them even killed their teammates for me and brought them to me as an offering. That has been both to gain my affection and to try and escape me."

"Did you kill them?" she questioned, but she already knew the answer.

"Of course, I did. I didn't take interest in them. None of them had the courage to offer me a bite. It was always someone else." She was about to speak, but he silenced her with a mere grin. "I know already. It was unintentional, but you still did offer me a bite. And, then you bit me to make matters more interesting." His fingers stroked where the bite had been.

"There was also the fact that they were trying to tame me. They wanted to claim that they had turned the murderer into a loving companion. Honestly, the idea sickened me. They treated me like I was some berserk dog who needed training, and it was a complete insult to my intelligence. I choose who I give my affections to if I even decide to. They must be earned, but that doesn't relate to your case."

His eyes pinned themselves on her, and she froze. She had moved a little towards the lock picking gear. He had been distracted, so she thought that maybe she could get the jump on him. It wouldn't have been running out on him, so she wouldn't have initiated option B. Leaning forward, he remarked, "No, you wish to kill me. You desire it so that I may be gone from your life."

The creature hopped off of the coffin and headed towards the lock picking gear. He picked it up, and his grin became challenging and serious. "But, you better plan your attack wisely. You'll only get one chance. If you fail, I'll take it that you wish to start option B. You wouldn't want that, would you? Or, do you? You still haven't told me your answer."

"But that wasn't part of the deal earlier!" she shouted as though he were a teacher giving out a ridiculous assignment. He giggled in response before he tossed the lock picking gear to the other side of the mausoleum. She backed away from him as he took careful steps towards her. The creature crouched down in front of her and rested his long nails under her chin. Her heart began to pound loudly again, and she nearly closed her eyes. Almost, she apologized, but she bit her bottom lip to hold her tongue.

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