The Faintest Heartbeat

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Her eyes continued to stay on her lap. (F/n)'s free hand held the blanket closed around her body. The sea of red around her didn't do anything to ease her mind. Even her skin was painted in the color. It was as though she could see the countless streams of crimson that would flow from her if she didn't kill the creature. A chill snaked up her spine, and she clutched at the blanket more.

What was she to do? Her doubt in successfully ending his life was high, and she didn't wish to face her parents if she failed. She didn't desire to watch one of them be tortured in front of her while the other lied dead nearby. The thought of that ripped apart her heartstrings, and she almost choked up a sob before she forced it down.

Yet, she couldn't drop the glass piece. She had worked so hard to reach the cabin. If everything collapsed around her, she could very well break. That frightened her beyond her own comprehension. It crept into the far reaches of her mind that she never had explored before, and she didn't want to cross those boundaries. At the same time, her parents' deaths might drag her there also. Truly, she was dealing with a double-edged sword if he didn't die.

Like the small tip of the sword, her chance of snuffing out the creature was incredibly tiny, but if she could hit his heart, she would be free from his physical terror. Mentally, he may haunt her forever, but that was an acceptable price to pay given what she had faced already. There was another option: the one that she had resisted and thrown into the abyss before. She could point the glass at herself, but that would nullify everything she had struggled through. Then again, everything would come to a dreadful end if she didn't stop him.

Or, would it? She could see and spend time with her parents. The creature would be with her, but she no longer had to hide him. That burdensome secret was lifted off of her shoulders because of her parents. There would still be time to plot and plan against him even if she would never get the chance to execute her ideas.

(F/n) felt her heart drop. She would be trapped with him in that house, and her parents would be stuck too unless they decided to abandon her with the creature, but she knew that they would never perform that action. Despite that, though, they would be living, and she would be too. Her eyes moved to where the hidden glass was.

If she killed herself, she would no longer have any control over the situation. It was foolish to think that she did presently, but she could at least watch him and anticipate his next move. Once dead, she would be free from his sick ways, but her parents might suffer since their deal would no longer be valid. He could do whatever he pleased to satisfy his anger, and she knew that he would be beyond humanely pissed. That was a horrifying thought in itself, and she felt another chill ensnare her.

Soft footfalls greeted her ears. Nearly, she jumped when she saw that he was right in front of her. He was crouching, and his nails were uncomfortably close to her. Both of her hands wished to grab the glass, but she couldn't release the blanket. Or, maybe, she should. That would distract him potentially, or it might anger him more since it had been Krista's work. And, she didn't decide yet if she wanted to attempt to kill him. Her mind was an ocean of dreadful thoughts and terrors.

His left index nail slid under her chin. Her eyes soon met his. The creature's fury had died down a bit, but she could spot the small embers of rage still in them. "I'm closer now. What are you going to do?" She froze, and her heartbeat for once didn't grow faster. No, it sounded slower in her ears as though the weight of her next decision would end her life. In a sense, it very well could. Most of her freedom would vanish if she surrendered the mirror piece.

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