The Lightest Persuasion

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Her steps slowed to a stop. Snow crunched under her feet as she rocked back and forth on her heels. She glanced over the many gravestones and could count how many had been victims to the creature. Now, more would be added onto his list. A heavy sigh left her lips as her decision weighed in on her more. Both of her parents would be spared but at a huge cost. The town was sinking further into the nightmare. Tomorrow, another death would be reported.

Maybe, the creature would be caught. Her part of the deal was only to provide him residence. If he got killed on his hunt, it would be all the better for her. Even if he makes it through the night, more attention will be drawn to him. More kills meant less access. She wouldn't be surprised if security in the town heightened significantly within the next week.

That did prove a problem, however. The creature would be forced to stay in her home longer and might not be able to feed. If he grew hungry, would he attack her parents and go against his promise? Her hand gripped the flashlight more. Or, would he snack on her? A chill crept over her body, and she had to rest against a nearby tree. There was another option. She might have to kill people for him if she wanted her parents and herself to live.

(F/n) desired to avoid those three alternatives, but they were very likely. She closed her eyes for a bit as the stress of the whole thing ate away at her. There was probably another hour left before the sun went down, so there was time to get her parents out of town. Another realization hit her, and a smile pulled at her lips. The creature had only asked for residence, and she had given him that, but he never said that she had to stay at the same home.

If her parents and her packed up their items quickly, they could leave and return once the creature was terminated. She didn't know where they would stay, but it could be somewhere far. It would be an extended family vacation.

There was the issue that her parents would become suspicious if she rushed back in and told them to pack their things. They would know that something had happened in the cemetery and that it had to do with the creature. Her parents would soon learn of her bargain with the creature, and they would be dragged further into the whole mess. Maybe, she could introduce the idea subtlety.

Or, she could use her one opportunity to kill the creature. He was in mausoleum, and there was only one entrance and exit. Police forces could surround it and take him out, but he had warned her about keeping the agreement quiet. The creature probably suspected that she might pull such a move. If he was aware of it, the plan would be more likely to fail, and option B would begin.

No, she had to hold off until he least expected anything. From now on, he would be remaining at her home. There would be plenty of opportunities to attack him. Her home would become his prison and his grave.

She would still try to convince her parents to leave town with her. If they refused, she would reluctantly not press the issue, but it was worth a try. Whatever the result, they couldn't know about her bargain with the creature.

Peering back to the mausoleum, she saw that the left door was cracked open a bit. She froze when she saw him peeking out. His eyes were directly on her, and he grinned. He raised his left index finger and pointed at her before he directed it back to his mouth. (F/n) gulped and took a step away. Her stunt with the flashlight had probably earned her some terrible payback.

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