The Craziest Relaxation

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

For the rest of the day, it had been tense, and the following days were as well. A week had passed before security dropped around the perimeter of (f/n)'s home. It hadn't been until then that she was able to safely retrieve her purchases from the car. Thankfully, her parents hadn't needed to use it since they had been well stocked on groceries. (F/n) had managed to sneak the items into her room in the afternoon when her mother had been busy tending to a client and their family. Her father had been taking an early shower.

Still, it had been strange that no sight of the creature had been made. He had seemingly disappeared along with the two detectives. (F/n) had wondered if he had been killed by something, which was unlikely, or he had decided to leave town. That didn't make sense, though, given her deal with him, but she wasn't complaining. Her life had returned relatively to its normal ways. Even her terrifying visions had dwindled a little bit since her mind had finally been able to settle down from constant terror.

It had come at even more of a shock when two more weeks had passed, and the creature had never shown himself. Everyone in the town was beginning to assume that he had truly left or been killed. Security still remained around the funeral home, but it had dropped significantly. There were only four well-armed individuals in total: two at the front and two at the back.

The chief had updated her parents and her each week, but his answer had been the same. No news had been made on the creature. He even had a team go to Nick's apartment, but the male had informed them that he hadn't heard anything either. Nick had only said to send a greeting (f/n)'s way.

Stretching, (f/n) leaned back in her desk chair. She closed her laptop computer and let out a peaceful sigh. If another week passed, it would be a month since she had seen that awful thing. The teen hoped that he was dead. Almost, she thought that she had heard a giggle behind her. (F/n) peeked over her left shoulder and saw nothing there. A smile rested on her lips; she was still on her own.

Occasionally, she would see or hear something, but it wasn't as bad as before. She figured that it truly wouldn't go away until there was some confirmation that the creature was deceased, but it was at a tolerable level now. (F/n) would mostly ignore them or roll her eyes. Her mind was simply playing tricks on her, and it was nothing to bother herself with.

She shut off and closed her laptop; she was meeting Haley for coffee. Ever since the incident with Dean, she had been meeting Haley twice a week. Haley had her friends from the high school, but they hadn't been there when she had received the call about Dean. It had been a surprise when she first had received the call from Haley, but she had agreed to the first meeting and discovered the reason why the younger teen wanted to talk to her and not her friends.

Haley had mentioned that they were sympathetic towards her, but she couldn't talk to them completely when they acted so ... normal. They didn't fully grasp what she was going through, and one of her friends had even mentioned that she had only known Dean for four months, so she shouldn't be crying so much. It wasn't a good environment for her, and the younger teen had stated that she wanted someone more understanding of death and the grieving process to talk to.

Today, (F/n) imagined that her conversation with Haley would center around his funeral since Dean's parents presumed him to be dead. They wanted a place where they could at least visit their son even if he truly wasn't resting there. Mr. and Mrs. Nexem had an appointment at the funeral home four days ago and had offered for Haley to join them. The teen had refused.

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