The Weirdest Luck

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

When her eyes had met his, she paused. There was only one more handful of the terrible mix in the bag, but her attention wasn't on it at all. The creature appeared as though he would leap out of his seat and attack her. His nails tapped against his other arm, his eyes were narrowed and his lips were downturned into a heavy frown. Nearly, she expected him to growl at her or to release that bone-chilling high-pitched cry of his.

"That worthless human has no right in having a bond with you in death." The creature sat up a little straighter. "Don't you dare include him in our relationship."

Despite the terror creeping in her veins, she almost chuckled. "You're the one who had killed him and had me make that awful decision. It's your fault for bringing him into this, not mine."

"You're the one who's imagining him and letting that illusion torment you because you feel guilty for his death."

"Well, excuse me." She sat up straighter herself and set the trail mix aside. Her hands rested on the table, and she was tempted to slam them for emphasis. "You had traumatized me with his d*mned screams." Their heated gazes locked onto each other more. (F/n) stood to her feet. "As hard as it is to believe," her voice was harshly sarcastic, "you bring nightmares wherever you go."

He giggled. It was higher than usual. "I know that. I've seen you tremble in your sleep." The creature stood up, and his nails dug into the wood. "Even now, your legs are shaking. You may keep pushing forward towards your goal, and I love you for that, but you're weak." His feet carried him towards her, and she backed up only to fall back onto her chair.

Towering over her, his right hand gripped the side of the table. His left tightened around the back of her chair. Her body wished to melt into the wood and vanish. "You know that you're weak against me. Against another human, however, you're strong. And against a dead one, you should be stronger."

Pushing himself away, he walked around the back of her chair. "I may have found your hallucinations entertaining, but I refuse to let some dead man walk into our relationship. He's not bonded to you in any way or form. Get rid of him. I've already removed him physically; you must eradicate him mentally."

His right hand reached the trail mix, and he brushed it over to her. "Finish that. I need to leave. I can't sit around and watch you right now." The creature lifted his right hand and rubbed the bridge of his nose as he walked to the front door. Once it was open, he paused in the doorway.

Looking over his left shoulder, his eyes landed on her again. She met his stare, and her heart felt cold. "When I get back, I expect three things." Instinctively, she scooted her chair back some. "One is that the trail mix will have been eaten by you. Two is that the disgusting human will be no longer residing in your head." A smirk tugged at his lips. "And lastly, I'll be expecting dessert."

Before she could get in a word, he closed the door behind him. Quietness ruled the inside of the cabin. Brent wasn't back either, but she couldn't simply forget him. It wasn't that simple. Unceremoniously, she dumped the rest of the trail mix into her mouth. She crumpled the bag up in her hand and munched on the vile food.

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