The Unhappiest News

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Dinner and dessert had passed by well enough. (F/n)'s father had given her a slice of cake with blueberries instead of raspberries, and it had tasted delicious. She had talked with her parents about various things before her mother and father had taken the dishes. The teen had offered to help, but her parents had declined the offer. "We'll be fine. Go relax for the evening," her mother had suggested before she had turned back to the dishwasher and loaded up the items.

"Yeah, okay. Thanks," (F/n) had a hard time not hesitating in her response. She was tempted to enter the living room and watch some television, but the creature's warning rang in her head. He would drag her into her room eventually if she didn't willingly head in.

Maintaining a calm expression, she walked over to her room and opened the door steadily. Inside, she saw the creature still on her bed. He was scrolling through her phone, and she wondered what he was looking at, though; she suspected that it was something that would make her situation all the worse. She closed the door, and he stared up at her. A grin rested on his lips. "I'm glad that you returned."

She didn't respond. Instead, she went over to her desk and turned on her lamp. His grin fell a little, but he had his sunglasses on. He set down the phone while she took a seat on her desk chair and faced him. Easily, the creature noticed that her hands gripped the sides of the chair. That caused his grin to return. "I want to discuss this Haley girl."

Satisfaction entered his gaze immediately. (F/n) tried to hide the terror that overtook her eyes, but she failed immensely. "I heard your parents after you left. They thought that it was odd that you had requested to meet her. Apparently, she's been the one to ask for you in the past." A giggle left him. "I even learned that she was the girlfriend of the male in the freezer. I suspect that she doesn't know of your involvement in his disappearance."

No reply greeted him. He could tell that she was trying to compose herself, but it was far too late. "Well, that's a smart move. Our deal would most likely be exposed otherwise, and she'd probably never forgive you." Another giggle escaped him. "I wonder what that would do to your mind."

Her hands tightened around the chair, and she managed to harden her gaze. "What are you getting at? I'm simply helping her through this rough time in her life. It's of no importance to you."

"Of course, it isn't, silly." His nails tapped against the phone. "But, there is something important. It goes back to the main question. Why did you contact her this time?"

"I needed to get away, and I enjoy talking with her."

"I can tell that you're not lying, but there's something else. You're scared so much right now. It's like your fear is radiating off of you. You're hiding something. What is it?" His nails tapped a little harder against the phone, and the device would probably break if he hit it with an even stronger force. "Tell me, (f/n)." The creature's voice fell a little, but it had its high-pitched quality still; however, his threatening tone was evident enough.

Briefly, her gaze shifted over to the bathroom, but she didn't desire a repeat of the other night. She couldn't even use the excuse to take a shower. That would only make things worse. Her legs wanted to shake, and she couldn't increase her grip on the chair anymore. Bolting for her room door wouldn't aid her either. It would only send him after her, but her plan couldn't be ruined; it had only just started.

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