The Shyest Situation

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Tense, (f/n) watched him work the needle and thread. She bit her bottom lip, but she wouldn't look away. He could very easily put that needle elsewhere. The stitching hurt, but it was nowhere near as bad as when he had bit her. That pain was still very much alive in her head, and she reminded herself not to let go of it. Its memory would fuel her plan to take him down, and she had an idea in mind.

Maybe, it was stupid, but any attack against him seemed foolish. He was powerful but not invincible. If she managed to hit him in the head or heart, he would presumably die. She doubted that he would be able to heal in time if he took either of those injuries.

"And, done," the creature remarked before he retrieved bandages and came back. She glanced to her hand. The bleeding had stopped, and it would heal hopefully soon. Most likely, there would be a scar there too. Her arm was covered in dry blood, however, and her jacket and shirt sleeves were soaked. Maybe, she could do a quick load of laundry.

Both articles of clothing were some of her favorite pieces, and she couldn't toss them like the underwear. Her parents would notice them missing from her wardrobe. Then again, she couldn't keep throwing away her underwear either. She had been too lazy to clean the last pair. Perhaps, she should start wearing her underwear that she had designated for that time of the month. A small groan left her lips. The creature was seriously getting on her nerves; she hated how her life revolved around him. At least, she had an idea now.

A giggle broke her thoughts, and she noted that her hand was wrapped before she glared up at the thing. "What?"

"You worry about such silly things." He lifted up her arm. Instantly, she tried to wrench it free. "Now, now, I'm not going to eat anymore of you." She didn't trust him at all, and she could feel the fear creep back into her system. A smirk graced his lips, meaning that he noted the same thing. "I'm just going to clean this mess up for you."

"I don't want you too. I can do it on my own."

"Oh, I know, but I enjoy this way more." He glanced away from her and brought his lips to her elbow before he steadily dragged his tongue across her skin. A disgusted and disturbed chill traveled up her spine, and she tried to pull her arm away. The creature maintained an iron grip on her and continued the process.

(F/n) felt sick for the whole of it. Some of his saliva gleamed under the bathroom light, and she noted that she would definitely need a shower. She would need to make sure not to get the wound wet, though.

Done with his gross treatment, his eyes landed on her clothing. He moved closer to her, and she scooted back, but her back hit the mirror. The creature closed the distance once more and leaned towards her. "What ..." She didn't finish her question since she saw him latch onto her sleeves and start to suck the blood out. It wouldn't clean the clothing. If anything, it made her want to punch him all the more. "Just get off of me, you sick creep!" (F/n) ripped her arm back, and he let go.

Licking his lips, he giggled and stepped away. "I'm not the sick one here." He giggled again before he leaned against the wall opposite to her. "But, I think that we both agree that we're not the cleanest." A grin began to tug at his lips, and her stomach felt like it might sink.

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