The Steadiest Satisfaction

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Darkness surrounded her completely. (F/n) couldn't tell if she was asleep or awake. She could blink, but she would never be able to see in front of her; however, she could feel ropes wrapped around her wrists and ankles. They cut into her skin if she struggled too much. Panic did begin to set in, and the constant smell of death didn't aid her either. It almost felt like she had been thrown into a large coffin with a fresh corpse.

She recalled encountering the creature before being knocked out by it. Had it not killed her already? A dreadful knot formed in the pit of her stomach. If she was alive, her fate wasn't looking too good. Why had he strapped her to chair? Was he planning on torturing her? More terror stirred up within her. There was no alternative; she needed to get out of wherever she was now.

Despite the sharp bites of the rope, she pulled against them more. She could feel her skin tear as liquid ran down her wrists. It loosened the ropes hold on her. Once her hands were free, she could untie the ropes around her ankles. Making her hands as small as she could get them, she wiggled them under the ropes. Thankfully, the creature hadn't tied them too tight.

Maybe, she would get lucky and find that the exit of the room led to the end of this nightmare. Perhaps, it was all a horrible dream. She almost let out a bitter laugh at the idea. No, things were never that simple. If anything, she was far from getting out of the tunnels.

Relief washed over her, however, when her right hand became free. Her wrist probably looked horrendous, but it would heal. Even if scars formed, they would be better than being dead. Hurriedly, she worked on the rope around her left wrist. After it was free, she went onto her ankles. She paused for a moment before she continued. It had sounded like someone else was in the room with her but not the creature.

With the ropes off, she swiftly stood up but stopped until she regained her balance. She heard the noise again. It sounded like someone moaning as though they were just getting up. Well, she couldn't do much without light. Quickly, she went to search her jacket, but her fear came true. The creature had taken her flashlight. Things really weren't looking in her favor.

Another moan caught her ears. Hesitantly, she called out, "Hello?" No one answered, but she could hear movement now. It started out slow before it went into a full blown panic. From the sounds of it, a chair was rocking back and forth violently. A string of curse words filled the room. That was when she recognized the voice. "Brent?"

The movement stopped, and she heard an annoyed groan. "(F/n)? You're in here? Of all the people to get stuck with, it had to be you." Nearly, she forgot what situation she was in as she had the urge to punch him.

"Look, just lead me to where you are. Otherwise, I'm going to find a way out of here and leave you behind." A scoff hit her ears. "You're lucky that I don't where the exit is, or I would've left you already." She was tempted to offer him up to the creature as a peace offering, but she had a feeling that the creature took no such things.

"Fine. Just follow my voice. It sounds like you're in front of me, so probably keep walking straight." Thinking the same, she continued to step forward. "It sounds like you're getting closer. Just try not to walk right into me." She rolled her eyes; she wouldn't mind bringing a kick to his face and stating that it was accidental. "And, what's that dripping sound? There aren't dead bodies hanging around us, right?"

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