The Yummiest Flavor

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Eyes scanning over her body slowly, the creature smirked and giggled. (F/n)'s heart pounded in her chest while her eyes only displayed terror. She struggled to get free, but his haunting eyes shot back to hers. "I already told you that I'm going to bite you several times. If you keep moving, I might accidentally stab you. Then, you would get blood all over this couch, and I'm sure that you couldn't hide that from your parents."

Her eyes wide, she realized that he was right. Was that why he had chosen to eat on the couch so that she could fight less? Her body still fought against him, but its struggles were dying down. She had to force herself to calm down, or the damage would be worse. If anything, that only made his current position more terrifying. He smirked. "Good girl." Another series of giggles left him before his left hand glided down her torso.

His nails lifted up her shirt until her whole midsection was revealed. Her legs moved as she wanted to knee him while a shiver ran through her entire body. The sensation of his nail tips running along her skin lightly was dreadfully teasing. Almost, her body had the urge to press more against them to end the feeling, but she forced herself to press more into the couch, which only made it worse.

"You really have nice skin." His nails stopped, and he leaned down towards her more. "It's making it really hard to only choose one piece, but I need to savor you." He giggled and made eye contact again. "After all, you're my little helper, and there's only one of you." She bit her bottom lip to force back a scream. The creature looked away and lowered his head more until his lips were touching her skin.

Quivering, she held back another cry. Steadily, his tongue ran across her skin. His teeth grazed it. Her legs ached to kick him so that she could run off, but she couldn't create a commotion with her parents nearby. If they heard anything else, they would know that something was up. She shut her eyes as his tongue ran across her again. A whimper escaped her lips, and he stopped. (F/n) could feel him giggle against her.

Each puff of breath seemed like it could end her. All he had to do was bite down hard, and she'd become a bloody mess. His lips touched her skin again, and he licked it once more. He hadn't even bit her, but her taste was intoxicating. The creature was having a hard time not sinking his teeth into her flesh and enjoying the most likely divine treats inside.

Tongue stopping, he pressed his teeth in more before he bit down lightly on the area. Her body tried to sink further into the couch, but he only lowered himself more. Another whimper left her, and her wrists shook in his hand. He bit down harder to see if she would try to scream. Only more quiet cries left her. When he started to pull, however, he caught the beginning of scream. Swiftly, his right hand released her wrists and covered her mouth. His left hand stayed near to her neck so that she wouldn't try and attack him.

Tears ran down her face and hit his hands as more cries exited her. He removed the small piece of flesh completely while crimson filled his mouth. The creature chewed and swallowed, entering complete rapture. Her taste was sweet but also tart. Remembering a conversation that he had overheard back in the tunnels, he imagined it to taste like how the humans had described dark chocolate covered cranberries. It was certainly a new taste to him. She fit his taste buds perfectly. Truly, he would have to hold onto her for long as he could.

The creature licked some of the blood up that was pooling around the wound. It was like cranberry juice, and he smiled against her skin. He wanted more of her, but he had to let her go so that her injury could be treated. After he allowed himself one more drink, he lifted himself up and licked his lips. His hand remained over her mouth before he picked her up.

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