The Bluntest Refusal

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A/N: As usual, I recommend putting the video on loop.


The cabin door closed, and Haley watched (f/n) leave hatefully. "D*mn, b*tch," she mumbled to herself as she leaned her head back. Her eyes turned to the worn out curtains by the window and to the snow beyond. She wondered how long the run would be back to the town and which direction to head in. Both of her legs were still fine, just bruised. If she fell, that would be the main issue. Getting up with her wrists was already difficult, and in the snow it was even more so.

"That's the second time." Haley paused and glanced over her right shoulder. The creature wasn't in the room, but his voice was loud and clear. His tone was unreadable. Gradually, the door creaked open. "Had you thought that I wouldn't hear?"

His feet entered the room first before he revealed all of himself. Light shone in from the window, and he avoided it. Soft footfalls traveled across the room before he reached the window and shut the curtains more. Her view of the snow was almost blocked, but holes in the cloth still gave her some vision to the outside world.

He faced her and leaned back against the nearby wall. "Well? Talk, human." His tone had dropped, and his facial expression represented growing anger. The creature's nails tapped against his arm.

"I'm not apologizing if that's what you want."

"It isn't. I didn't make that demand or ask you to. Answer my question."

"You already know the answer." The creature's nails stopped, but Haley only laughed before she spit out more blood. "You should know by now that I won't give you what you want. If you heard our conversation just now, you understand that even more. Give it up, you monster. You've already done your worst."

"Then, you're truly not going to tell me what my partner's plan is?" Haley smirked and shook her head. He was about ready to rip her head off. "Even if I feed you more of your boyfriend?" She shook her head again, but her confident gaze had morphed into one of sorrow and guilt. "Well, that's a shame ... for you. There are other ways to communicate. If you won't tell me, you can write me the answer."

"Like I would do that." She scoffed and rolled her eyes. His temper didn't diminish, though, but it only grew. A low giggle left him, and he walked towards her. Her gaze met his defiantly, but it quivered at his insane smirk. Haley wished to move the chair away, but she had no strength for that.

"Maybe, you won't, but it doesn't hurt to try." Another giggle left him. "Besides, I owe you for those insults against my little helper. I'm her protector, and I refuse to let you pollute my delicate flower." His nails glided under her chin. She tensed, and his right hand was too quick for her.

A piercing scream echoed through the cabin and reached outside. Birds and animals in the nearby area flew or ran off. No hikers were close by, and only one human outside heard the cry. (F/n) had finished everything, and she had traveled a little ways from the cabin to enjoy some peace. That yell, though, had ended that. Terror filled her heart. She had never heard Haley scream like that before. What had the creature done?

Her (e/c) orbs stared back towards the cabin. She was tempted to run off, but she couldn't bolt away; she wasn't healed enough yet. (F/n) warmed her hands up more in the pockets of the jacket and leaned back against a tree. Some support was needed since her mind created horrid assumptions. The older teen had no desire to enter that cabin any time soon. In fact, she never wished to walk into it again, but she had little choice.

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