The Emptiest Note

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Bringing the phone closer to her chest, (F/n) forced her legs to create more distance between them. She went to the other side of her bed while the creature emerged from the closet. "I-I ..." (F/n) stopped since she didn't want to stutter, and she tried to compose herself, but it didn't work. "I-I ... thought th-that you wer-were going to e-eat the ice." If Haley hadn't called and her dad hadn't entered her room, he probably would have.

"That was my intent originally, but," his grin tugged at his lips, "that'll be good for a long time." He held out his left hand, and her heart felt like it had stopped. "Or, you could give me the phone. Then, I'll eat the ice." He giggled and somehow grinned more. "Besides, I already know that she talked with her aunt, and I can find out who that woman is. Really, you're only stalling the inevitable." The creature extended out his hand more. "Give me the phone, and it'll be better for you. What happened to putting yourself first?"

"I am." She didn't say anymore than that. The creature appeared amused and walked nearer to her, but he didn't respond either. (F/n) waited until he was even closer. Almost, he rounded the corner of the bed before she leaped onto her bed and raced across it. His right hand, though, grabbed her right leg and tugged her back.

She crashed to her bed, and the creature started to pull her back. Time not on her side, she looked at her phone and went to messages. The creature ripped her back, and she would've screamed if she didn't have to be quiet. (F/n) slid across the sheets before she saw his right hand come towards the phone. Swiftly, she pressed the delete button, and Haley's message was gone. A low growl emitted from him, and she didn't want to meet his gaze.

His hand snatched the phone before he seated himself on the edge of the bed. She was about to get up and try to get it back since Haley's phone number was in the phone's history, but his left hand pressed itself against her back. The tips of his nails were close to breaking her skin, warning her not to move. "If you call her ..."

"I'm not. That would be stupid. She'd know that I wasn't you. I'll just text her and ask her to repeat her message." (F/n) wanted to reach back and move his hand, but she knew that the creature wouldn't let her. That might only cause something undesirable to happen, but him texting Haley was also terrible.

(F/n) had known that he wouldn't call her, but she hadn't brought up the texting because of Nick. She didn't wish to raise suspicion in the creature. If he found out that Nick was in on the plan too, it would really crumble apart. "Ah, here it is!" he chirped, and his nails pressed into her a tiny bit more. One more move and blood would spill. "This must be her since the message mentions the coffee shop."

Despite his nails, she had to stop him. She had warned Haley, but the younger teen didn't know about the creature being back in town. Haley would answer and give them away, but the creature would be able to halt her easily if she simply reached back. Sucking in her breath, she hurriedly rolled onto her back. His nails glided along her skin and ripped her shirt.

Light scratches were along her back, but she didn't care currently. She shoved her hands against his arm, pushing it off of her. The creature, though, didn't let her sit back up. Instead, the back of his left hand collided with her left cheek and sent her back down. A groan of pain escaped her, but she pushed herself back up. His hand targeted her again.

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