Chapter 46: Dash, Crash

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Jack's POV

My knuckles turned white as I gripped the steering wheel, I wanted to cry but I can't. There aren't no tears left to show. Never did I felt this sorrow before, I wanted to get away from it but I can't. My heart seems to be so heavy, and I thought getting as far as I can from the place where my dear love is, can lessen the weight, but it didn't, it won't.

Recklessly driving, not minding the speed, the meter was over a hundred, but everything felt so slow, like I can't move away from anything. Pressing my feet harder, I wanted to make this thing fly, I wanted to get away.

And this time, in a matter of a second, I lost my control, as if a big force was pushing from the left of my car. Everything happened so fast, I can really feel myself flying, my head banging from side to side, and as if my car was a rolling wheel, then it just stopped. I can't see anything.

Merida's POV

Slowly opening the door, I sneaked out, and did everything I could so they wouldn't hear me, my heart was beating so fast and I'm so close to fainting, I mean, come on! For gods sake, I'm having difficulty in breathing!

No, no time for anxiety. I have to find Hiccup and his mother.

Reaching the kitchen, no one is here. I looked out of the window, and saw Punzie. She's shouting something towards Flynn, but I can't hear anything but murmurs. I felt my heart dropped as I saw 6 guys, no. Are they even human?

The shape of their body could persuade you, but as I look closely, their face was almost all alike. Holy thunders of thor! The guys give me creeps! Lookin' at their eyes, white was entirely covering their pupil, only a dot of black. Black circles around their eyes, no it ain't just a bags under their creepy eyes. They're pale as- I don't know!! They're so pale, even Jack's and Elsa's pale complexion, this is different. As if they're body is dead already, so close to rotting.

My eyes went back to Punzie and Flynn. Chills were sent down on my spine, as I realized, they were almost alike from the 6 guys who gave me the creeps.

Third person's POV

Jack was unconscious, his car was upside down, crumpled like a paper. Its leaking. Those who witnessed the horrid event was shocked, stiff, still sinking in the past moments that had happen.

A truck slammed at the left part of Jack's car at the intersection. Sirens all over, as paramedics came. Running towards the crumpled car, getting Jack out of it. The driver was also unconscious, thanks to his seatbelt, he didn't flew all the way out of his truck.


Without Jack knowing, Anna was following him. everything happened like a dream. No, a nightmare to Anna's eyes. She was driving almost the same speed as his, but forced to stop her vehicle as citizens crossed the pedestrian's lane only a few hops away from the intersection, a loud bang then Jack's car gone flying and left Anna's sight. Anna was slapping herself. Repeating over and over to herself,

No, this is all just a dream. I have to wake up! I have to! He can't be! He's- he's the only one I knew that could thaw the second border she built. He's my only hope.

Pulling her hair, thinking that it would wake her up. Sirens she heard made it all worst. She realized everything was real. She's awake.

She jolted out from her seat and ran towards the accident, only to be stopped by the paramedics. "No! Please, please, please! Is he- is he okay?! I know him! Please let me go to him!" She cried.

"I'm so sorry, miss. You can't go near, it's dangerous. If you do know him, any family members you know we could call?" Anna couldn't think straight. She was panicking. Then, as the paramedics pulled Jack out of the car, she was relieved, but at the same time, she was stiff.

Jack has blood all over, she could see clearly that his arm was dislocated, everything she could not process.

Is he still alive?

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