Unwanted Help

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Suddenly, as they walked up to us, I heard wing beats and saw Jamada land in front of us and transform back to his kobold-self.

"Who are you?" The half-elf asked. He had a black robe with Chelaxian designs on it, so he either likes their style, or is a chelaxian himself. I got a closer look at his companions and saw that one of the females was a dhampir, a half-vampire, and the other was a changeling, a half-hag, and from the looks of it, she may have been an investigator for Ustalav.

"We were just passing through." He said. "We're in the purist of a vampire."

"Your chasing of a vampire.....in a desert?" The changeling asked.

"He brought us here by force, after the last time we supposedly killed him, and wants revenge." Tamora said.

"He's after a codex. A powerful one. Nex's spellbook to be exact." Jamada said and I saw the half-elf sneer.

"Perfect." I heard him mutter.

"Sorry, didn't catch that?" I asked. He let out a sigh.

"My name is Seltyiel Aromath." The half-elf said. He then pointed to the samsaran. "This is Pormetheus." Then to the changeling. "Alexia" then the dhampir. "and Luna."

"We were here on an expedition looking for the same book that Nex wrote and used." He said. "We believe it is in one of his fortresses near the Shattered Range." Yderius Fang.

"Well, it would seem that our goals are intertwined." Venom said.

"Indeed they are." I heard someone say. We all looked to the side and saw a figure in a tattered robe walk towards us. He pulled back his hood, revealing his red skin, golden eyes, and two large horns. "And both lead to great danger."

"And how do you know that?" The half-elf Seltyiel asked. "Who the hell are you anyway?"

"My name is Sarvin." The hellspawn said calmly. "I have come here to assist you in locating the codex. I had a vision some days ago of your encounters with each other, and of the terrible things should Morrigan Illious succeed in obtaining the codex. I know where the fortress is at."

"How far away is the fortress?" I asked.

"About a days walk." He said.

"Selt. Are you ok?" I heard the dhampir Luna ask and saw her shake the half-elf's shoulder and I saw the color had drained from his face.

"Yes." He said which was clearly a lie. For me at least. He may be able to fool the others, but I am able to read the facial expression on mammals rather easily.

"No your not." I said. "You know the vampire don't you?"

"No, I don't." He said firmly. "And neither of you are coming. The codex is far to powerful tome of magic that none of you are adept enough to use, and would probably obliterate you all in an instant. We are thankful for your help but we can handle ourselves."

Typically mammal pride. I thought as I clenched my fist in anger, and I could feel it growing. This is the reason why I despise the mammals so. They are full of so much pride, think they can handle anything, think they know everything, think that their so powerful. Who is he to think he could handle its power, let alone use it, when he couldn't even fight a pile of sand?

"Yes, your fight will the elemental really proved that." I said. I saw with delight that he clench his own fist in anger. "And what even makes you think you can handle the codex's power?"

"My magical powers have grown over the past few years, power I doubt you could comprehend." He said, as we walked up to each other. He was tall for a half-elf, and may have even intimidated me, but it is rather hard to intimidate someone that is taller than you, and I don't get intimidated easily.

"Rattle." I heard Jamada say nervously.

"Again, your fight with the pile of sand really proved that." I said. "If anyone here would be able to use, and stand against the codex's power I doubt it would be you, or do I need to summon a sand elemental for you to prove it?."

"Cut him some slack." The Changeling Alexia said walking up. "If you knew what was going on behind the scenes you would have some respect for him."

"I highly doubt that changeling." I said, staring the half-elf down, who didn't look away either. He was really starting to piss me off.

"By the gods you two are acting like children!" I heard the hellspawn, Sarvin, say. "You two, and everyone else are going to have to work together, and Pharasma pity you if you don't. He gathers in strength and grows closer to the powerful ancient magic. So both of you grow up before I......" He then began to curse some rather....'colorful' profanities in Aklo, and from the looks of it, only me, the Half-elf, and Venom seemed to understand.

"What did he say?" Klarr asked.

"You don't want to know." I said, as I stored some of those words for the future.

"As much as I would like to blast you with lighting, it will seem we will have to work together. It will probably be for the best if we do, and have any hope to stand against him." I said much to my dislike and he nodded.

"Agreed. For better or worse, we're in this together." He said, as he turned around and walked to the carriage, where the others were trying to flip it back up. As he walked away I muttered the words to a spell and searched his mind to see how he possibly could have known...........well, this has just gotten very interesting.

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